
  1. Setting geo-location

    Screenshots: Setting geo-location for the app under test. 0 ...

  2. Setting lat-long information

    Screenshots: Set up the latitudinal-longitudinal information for apps under test. 0 ...

  3. Detecting the geo- location set

    Screenshots: The app under test automatically detects the location set. 0 ...

  4. App displays the set location

    Screenshots: The location set is displayed on the app under test. 0 ...

  5. Creating Certifaya (bot test) session

    Screenshots: Select and upload your app to run a bot test through Certifaya. 0 ...

  6. Summary of bot test run

    Screenshots: Get full insight into the bot test run on app through Certifaya summary. 0 ...

  7. Certifaya- bot test reports

    Screenshots: Access comprehensive crash test and exploratory test reports. 0 ...

  8. Comprehensive reports on app performance

    Screenshots: Analyze your reports based on app performance matrix. 0 ...

  9. Insights on app performance

    Screenshots: Getting app performance data next to the device on test. 0 ...