Visual C++ .NET (Tools & Libraries)
Microsoft Visual C++ .NET (MS Visual C++ .NET) allows Visual C++ .NET programmers to rapidly create Windows applications for their end users. Visual C++ .NET developers can extend the standard functionality available inside the Visual C++ .NET IDE with a variety of Visual C++ .NET add-ins and Visual C++ .NET tools. The extensibility of Visual C++ .NET is one of the main reasons it has proved to be popular with developers, as Visual C++ .NET software engineers can find Visual C++ .NET downloads from other companies or other VC++ developers to act as a Visual C++ .NET extension to their Visual C++ .NET IDE or Visual C++ .NET app.
The versatility of Visual C++ .NET also extends to various forms of Visual C++ .NET software components. Visual C++ .NET controls can be used to create feature rich Visual C++ .NET user interfaces on forms and Web pages inside Visual C++ .NET apps. These Visual C++ .NET UI controls are augmented by non-visual Visual C++ .NET components or Visual C++ .NET libraries or Visual C++ .NET Class libraries that can help a developer add many hidden features in Visual C++ .NET applications running in the background. These non-visual components are most commonly available as a Visual C++ .NET library or Visual C++ .NET Class library.
An example of a visible Visual C++ .NET control is BCGControlBar Professional, a Visual C++ .NET Class Library that allows you to create an MS Office Ribbon style or look and feel to your latest Visual C++ .NET project UI. A non-visible Visual C++ .NET Class Library component example is a Visual C++ .NET compatible product call IP*Works! C++ Edition that allows you to send emails via SMTP and POP or to transfer files reliably using HTTP or FTP Internet protocols from within your Visual C++ .NET program.
The Visual C++ .NET software products listed in this Visual C++ .NET product gallery will allow you to save a lot of time and effort in creating your new Visual C++ .NET app. Whether you are looking for a Visual C++ .NET plug-in or Visual C++ .NET utility, or you are looking for a Visual C++ .NET control or a Visual C++ .NET component, you will be able to find a wide variety of Visual C++ .NET tools to help you finish your project faster.
We also have other Visual C++ product galleries for: Visual C++ 2010, Visual C++ 2008, Visual C++ 2005 and Visual C++ compatible products.