Business & Entity Components - Best Selling

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    Description: Complex SWIFT messaging solution for your.NET applications. SWIFT Framework.NET is a system for capturing, validating and processing SWIFT messages within an organizations information systems infrastructure. SWIFT Framework.NET allows seamless integration ... Read more

  2. $$$$ | Buy

    Description: Add advanced statistical analysis to your Visual Basic applications. Total VB Statistics allows VB developers to integrate advanced data analysis directly into any VB project, eliminating the need to import/export data to other programs or write complex ... Read more

  3. Description: Allows you to easily build extensive calculation support into.NET applications. This library lets you set up forms that have calculation dependencies among various controls. It comes with a functions library of more than 150 commonly used formulas and ... Read more

  4. Description: allows you to easily build extensive calculation support into.NET applications. This library lets you set up forms that have calculation dependencies among various controls. It comes with a functions library of more than 150 commonly used formulas and ... Read more

  5. Description: allows you to easily build extensive calculation support into.NET applications. This library lets you set up forms that have calculation dependencies among various controls. It comes with a functions library of more than 150 commonly used formulas and ... Read more