发展 & 部署插件


Manage Your Zoho Books Data Within Excel
Manage Your Zoho Books Data Within Excel
April 16, 2024Product Update
Devart Excel Add-in for Zoho Books effortlessly integrates Microsoft Excel with Zoho Books, streamlining data transfer to enhance productivity.
April 2, 2024Product Update
Drill Down Visuals for Power BI 1.11 引入了图例字段,可帮助用户区分可视化效果中的不同数据系列。
Diagnose Cookie Blockages with Detailed Information
Diagnose Cookie Blockages with Detailed Information
March 28, 2024Product Update
HttpWatch v15 displays all attributes of sent cookies with optional details of cookies blocked by the browser and the reason for blocking.
March 15, 2024Product Update
CodeRush Ultimate 23.2.5 通过新的语音转代码功能提高了开发人员的可访问性和编码效率。
用 AI 代码片段促进 PHP 开发
用 AI 代码片段促进 PHP 开发
March 11, 2024Product Update
PHP Tools for Visual Studio v1.79 引入了智能代码片段,这些代码片段根据您现有代码的上下文提供智能内联建议。
用更快的分析器提高 Visual Studio 的工作效率
用更快的分析器提高 Visual Studio 的工作效率
February 9, 2024Product Update
Visual Assist 2024.1 具有经过全面改进的解析器,使初始启动时间比以前的版本快 15 倍。