
  1. Bestselling Product Awards for 2008

    ComponentSource® is delighted to announce the latest awards for our bestselling products and leading publishers. There are two sets of awards: ComponentSource Bestselling Product Awards for 2008 and ComponentSource Bestselling Publisher Awards for 2008. ...

  2. Our Email Filter

    In order to combat the ever increasing spam epidemic we have deployed several validation measures in our email system, and as is the nature when fighting spam, legitimate emails could get blocked too. We have kept our email validation model in line with ...

  3. 我们的电子邮件过滤器

    为对抗不断增加的流行的垃圾邮件,我们在我们的电子邮件系统中配置了多种确认措施和结果当打击垃圾邮件时,也可以封锁合法电子邮件。 我们保持我们的电子邮件确认模型与较大电子邮件供应者的很多模型一致,所以您必须做出更改以保证电子邮件正确发送到ComponentSource将进一步有利于您,因为越来越多的公司采用这些措施。 下列为对我们采取的预防措施的技术预见和您怎样能避免我们的服务器拒绝您的电子邮件。对具有网络服务和DNS、 SMTP 和TCP/IP协议经验的人来说它是一个记录。 再使用DNS查找 ...

  4. A Global Software Development Tool Distributor

    ComponentSource is a global dev tool distributor, selling through our worldwide network of 28,000 resellers and dealers. ComponentSource is not only a worldwide software component reseller selling software licenses directly to programmers and IT ...

  5. A Worldwide Software Component Reseller

    ComponentSource is a software component retailer, selling software components to 1,200,000+ users globally. ComponentSource is an on-line software component reseller and dev tool retailer, selling software components and retailing development tools ...

  6. Bestselling Product Awards for 2007

    ComponentSource® is delighted to announce the latest awards for our bestselling products and leading publishers. There are two sets of awards: ComponentSource Bestselling Product Awards for 2007 and ComponentSource Bestselling Publisher Awards for 2007. ...

  7. Bestselling Publisher Awards for 2007

    ComponentSource® is delighted to announce the latest awards for our bestselling products and leading publishers. There are two sets of awards: ComponentSource Bestselling Product Awards for 2007 and ComponentSource Bestselling Publisher Awards for 2007. ...

  8. Global Sales, Marketing & Distribution Services

    ComponentSource offers international software product distribution, resale and marketing services that will enlarge your product sales globally. Our Publisher Program Designed to help publishers expand their reach via our global audience. Existing ...

  9. Online Checkout

    The checkout process and the various options you have to buy your products. Checking Your Addresses Ensure you have given us the correct address details for licensing and invoice purposes. Taxes The tax applied to your order may vary according to a number ...

  10. 网上核对

    购买产品的核对过程及各种选项。 核对您的地址 确保您向我们提供了正确的地址资料以申请license及发票。 税款 您的订单的税款根据很多因素的变化而变化。继续阅读以找出哪种定税率适合您的订单。 选择您的安全设置 担心网上定购吗? 付款安全 您的所有付款信息被VeriSign 安全服务器 识别号加密以及保护。识别号核对姓名及个人信息。 信用卡 订购信用卡以立即使用。 信用卡安全码 信用卡安全代码提供额外的安全措施以防止网上交易时卡的滥用。(信用卡安全码也被通称为信用卡验证值) >银行汇款及支票 ...

  11. About Us

    The Definitive Source of Software Components and Tools. ComponentSource was established in 1995, to ensure Software Developers were supplied with the best software development products the world had to offer. Up until then, inefficiencies imposed by the ...

  12. 关于我们

    软件组件和工具的权威来源。 ComponentSource成立于1995年,致力于向软件开发人员提供目前国际上可供应的最好软件开发产品。 到目前为止,由已确立的国家基础的软件分销渠道所带来的低效率意味着只有很少部分的产品能面向市场。 因此,ComponentSource甘做先驱者开拓市场针对可再利用的软件组件和工具,创新采用电子软件传输系统(ESD)。 如今,我们提供世界最佳的人力节约软件系列,通过我们的 电子商务 网站;传输200多个发布者超过10,000个的库存单位。 我们的办事处遍及 美国, 英国, ...

  13. File Viewers

    You may need the following viewers in order to open downloaded files. Evaluation versions of the products are stored in 'self-extracting zip files'- when you 'click' on these items, (identified by the ICON shown on the left), your ...

  14. 文本浏览

    你也许需要以下查看器来打开下载文件。 此类产品的评估版保存在‘自解压压缩文档'-当你‘点击'这些项目,(通过左边显示的ICON识别),你的浏览器将提示你‘保存至硬盘'或‘打开'。 保存评估版至硬盘,在你的个人电脑中查找到该文件并‘双击’文件名,将运行自解压过程且‘压缩文档’中的内容将保存至你选择的位置。然后你可以运行‘SETUP.EXE’来安装该评估版。. PowerPoint文件需要PowerPoint浏览器: Install Microsoft ...

  15. Existing Publishers

    Our current software component and development tool partners. Enterprise Partners Our current component and development tool Enterprise Partners that have customized global partnerships with us. Corporate Partners Our current component and development ...

  16. Resources

    We have created White Papers and other resources to help you create more component based products. White Papers A series to help you understand how to write and package reusable off-the-shelf components. Books A list of books on related topics that you ...

  17. Awards

    Our award winning bestselling publishers and products based on global sales. The ComponentSource Awards for 2023 have been announced! Each year ComponentSource presents our Top 100 bestselling publishers and products with awards. These awards are based on ...

  18. Page Retired

    This page is no longer available. ...

  19. 隐藏页面

    该页不再有效 。 ...

  20. Korean Paper Catalog

    Appear in the latest ComponentSource Korean Paper Catalog- sent out to all our customers in Korea! The ComponentSource Korean Paper Catalog is published in full color 2 times a year with a circulation of up to 7,000 catalogs per issue. The publication ...