
  1. EDIFACT Integrator Java Edition 2016


    功能发布: Improved human readable values accessible when using RSSBus JSON schemas. Default signing algorithm updated to SHA-256. API updated to standardize input/output options and provide a more consistent experience. Additional functionality for visualizing and ...

  2. EDIFACT Integrator Java Edition 2016


    功能发布: 改进了使用 RSSBus JSON 架构时可访问的人类可读值。 Default signing algorithm updated to SHA-256. API updated to standardize input/output options and provide a more consistent experience. Additional functionality for visualizing and parsing document structure. Improved human ...

  3. EDIFACT Integrator Delphi Edition 2016


    功能发布: Adds RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo support. Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo support. Default signing algorithm updated to SHA-256. API updated to standardize input/output options and provide a more consistent experience. Additional functionality for visualizing ...

  4. EDIFACT Integrator Delphi Edition 2016


    功能发布: 添加对 RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo 的支持。 Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo support. Default signing algorithm updated to SHA-256. API updated to standardize input/output options and provide a more consistent experience. Additional functionality for visualizing and ...

  5. EDIFACT Integrator C++ Edition 2016


    功能发布: API updated to standardize input/output options and provide a more consistent experience. Default signing algorithm updated to SHA-256. API updated to standardize input/output options and provide a more consistent experience. Additional functionality for ...

  6. EDIFACT Integrator C++ Edition 2016


    功能发布: 更新了 API 以规范输入/输出选项,并提供更加一致的体验。 Default signing algorithm updated to SHA-256. API updated to standardize input/output options and provide a more consistent experience. Additional functionality for visualizing and parsing document structure. Improved human ...

  7. EDIFACT Integrator Android Edition 2016


    功能发布: Adds additional functionality for visualizing and parsing document structure. Default signing algorithm updated to SHA-256. API updated to standardize input/output options and provide a more consistent experience. Additional functionality for visualizing ...

  8. EDIFACT Integrator Android Edition 2016


    功能发布: 添加用于可视化和分析文档结构的额外功能。 Default signing algorithm updated to SHA-256. API updated to standardize input/output options and provide a more consistent experience. Additional functionality for visualizing and parsing document structure. Improved human readable ...

  9. Send Emails with Attachments from.NET Apps

    Deutsch Español 한국어 Français Italiano 简体中文 繁體中文 Português 日本語 Use MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) to deliver richer, more engaging emails with images, videos and audio. MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) enables the seamless ...

  10. 从.NET 应用发送带附件的电子邮件

    English Deutsch Español 한국어 Français Italiano 繁體中文 Português 日本語 使用 MIME(多用途 Internet 邮件扩展)发送带有图像、视频和音频的更丰富、更引人入胜的电子邮件。 MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) enables the seamless exchange of diverse data beyond plain text. This industry standard ...

  11. E-Payment Integrator Xamarin Edition 2016


    功能发布: Adds Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 support. Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 support. Default signing algorithm updated to SHA-256. E-Payment Integrator Xamarin Edition ...

  12. E-Payment Integrator Xamarin Edition 2016


    功能发布: 添加对 Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 的支持。 Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 support. Default signing algorithm updated to SHA-256. E-Payment Integrator Xamarin Edition ...

  13. E-Payment Integrator C++ Edition 2016


    功能发布: Default signing algorithm updated to SHA-256. Default signing algorithm updated to SHA-256. E-Payment Integrator C++ Edition ...

  14. E-Payment Integrator C++ Edition 2016


    功能发布: 默认签名算法升级至 SHA-256。 Default signing algorithm updated to SHA-256. E-Payment Integrator C++ Edition ...

  15. E-Payment Integrator Delphi Edition 2016


    功能发布: Adds RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo support. Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo support. Default signing algorithm updated to SHA-256. E-Payment Integrator Delphi Edition ...

  16. E-Payment Integrator Delphi Edition 2016


    功能发布: 添加对 RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo 的支持。 Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo support. Default signing algorithm updated to SHA-256. E-Payment Integrator Delphi Edition ...

  17. E-Payment Integrator Java Edition 2016


    功能发布: Default signing algorithm updated to SHA-256. Default signing algorithm updated to SHA-256. E-Payment Integrator Java Edition ...

  18. E-Payment Integrator Java Edition 2016


    功能发布: 默认签名算法升级至 SHA-256。 Default signing algorithm updated to SHA-256. E-Payment Integrator Java Edition ...

  19. E-Payment Integrator PHP Edition 2016


    功能发布: Default signing algorithm updated to SHA-256. Default signing algorithm updated to SHA-256. E-Payment Integrator PHP Edition ...

  20. E-Payment Integrator PHP Edition 2016


    功能发布: 默认签名算法升级至 SHA-256。 Default signing algorithm updated to SHA-256. E-Payment Integrator PHP Edition ...