代码分析 & 度量应用程序 - 最畅销的

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    说明: A solution for continuous integration and build management. TeamCity is a powerful and user-friendly Continuous Integration and Deployment server that works out of the box. You can build, check and run automated tests on the server even before committing ... 阅读更多

  2. $$$$ | 购买

    说明: .NET code profiler. ANTS Performance Profiler Pro is a tool for profiling applications written in any of the languages supported by the.NET framework. ANTS Performance Profiler Pro profiles all.NET applications, including ASP.NET web applications, Windows ... 阅读更多

  3. $ | 购买

    说明: Compare and merge tool. Altova DiffDog Professional Edition allows you to diff/merge of text files, folders, and directories. It also includes XML-aware comparison options. Altova DiffDog Professional Features File Comparison Compare any two text files ... 阅读更多

  4. 说明: A suite of XML, SQL, and UML Tools. Altova MissionKit is a software development suite of enterprise-class XML, SQL, and UML tools for information architects and application developers. MissionKit includes Altova XMLSpy, MapForce, StyleVision, and other ... 阅读更多

  5. $$$ | 购买

    价格: Altova MissionKit Enterprise 2025- Upgrade from Altova MissionKit Enterprise 2024- Installed Users Installed User License for 1 User- Upgrade Mfr. Part No: K24E-K25E-I001-0P Our Part No: 517584-1545581 Installed User License for 1 User with 1 Year SMP- ... 阅读更多

  6. 说明: A suite of XML, SQL, and UML Tools. Altova MissionKit Professional is a software development suite of enterprise-class XML, SQL and UML tools. It includes Professional Editions of XMLSpy, MapForce, StyleVision, UModel, and DatabaseSpy for building today’s ... 阅读更多

  7. $ | 购买

    价格: Altova DiffDog Professional 2024- Upgrade from Altova DiffDog Professional 2023- Installed Users Installed User License for 1 User- Upgrade Mfr. Part No: D23P-D24P-I001-0P Our Part No: 517381-1472794 Installed User License for 1 User with 1 Year SMP- ... 阅读更多

  8. $ | 购买

    说明: Automate the generation of Diff reports. DiffDog Server brings the file and directory comparison power of Altova DiffDog to high-performance servers. DiffDog Server makes it easy to automate high-volume comparisons and generate diff reports comparing ... 阅读更多

  9. $ | 购买

    说明: Compare and merge tool. Altova DiffDog is an XML-aware diff/merge tool that lets you compare and merge text or source code files, XML or JSON files, and Word documents. Compare and synchronize directories, database schemas and content, and much more. ... 阅读更多

  10. $$$$ | 购买

    说明: Memory profiling for.NET developers. ANTS Memory Profiler makes.NET memory profiling simple. Use ANTS Memory Profiler to locate memory leaks, optimize applications with high memory usage, and check the health of your code during the development cycle and ... 阅读更多