xml - Aspose.PDF for Java

  1. 關於 Aspose.PDF for Java

    描述: supports working with PDF, XFA, TXT, HTML, PCL, XML, XPS and image file formats. Supported File Formats Input/Output Fixed Layout: PDF, XPS Books: EPUB Web: HTML Others: TEX, XML, SVG Output Only Microsoft ... Office: DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPTX Images: JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, GIF Others: MobiXML, XML, EMF, TEXT Input Only PostScript: PS Others: CGM, MHT, PCL, MD, XSLFO Aspose.PDF for Java Features Print documents ...

  2. About Aspose.PDF for Java

    描述: using Adobe Acrobat. API supports working with PDF, XFA, TXT, HTML, PCL, XML, XPS and image file formats. Supported File Formats Input/Output Fixed Layout: PDF, XPS Books: EPUB Web: HTML Others: TEX, XML ... , SVG Output Only Microsoft Office: DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPTX Images: JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, GIF Others: MobiXML, XML, EMF, TEXT Input Only PostScript: PS Others: CGM, MHT, PCL, MD, XSLFO Aspose.PDF ...

  3. Aspose.PDF for Java V22.2

    版本資訊: server. module.xml for JBoss 7.3 EAP that reliably works in all scenarios. Setting Locale before PDF conversion throws exception. RedactionAnnotation.setFontSize does not work for overlay text. Investigate ...

  4. Aspose.PDF for Java V22.4

    版本資訊: Adds the ability to recognize subscript and superscript text when converting from PDF to Excel. PDF to XMLSpreadSheet2003: Added the ability to recognize subscript and superscript text. PDF to Microsoft Excel: Added the ability to recognize subscript and superscript text. PDF to ODS: Added the ...

  5. Aspose.Pdf for Java V17.4.0 released

    版本資訊: to TIFF: output image is jumbled. PDF to PDF/A- Resultant file size is significantly increased. Incorrect output when Importing XML Data into XFA Document. Corrupted watermark when using API in trial mode. ...

  6. Aspose.Pdf for Java V12.0.0 released

    版本資訊: in start up servlet init() method. XML to PDF: Accessing TextFragement/TextSegment elements inside Row element throws NPE. PDF to DOC- Conversion taking too much time. Content redaction does not work ...

  7. Aspose.Pdf adds image resources from URL

    版本資訊: Updates in V2.7 New methods in the XMLDocument class have been added Image resources from a URL can now be added Performance of this release is 4x-6x times better than previous version when images are placed inside PDF sections or embedded as attachments. When using JDK 5 and JDK 6, the new version ...