用於您 Java 應用程式的專業甘特圖。
拖放功能實現輕鬆編輯 - 可在特定時間輕鬆移動和放置時間表物件。 可以配置預設的網格策略,使物件對齊至任何元素,包括千年、世紀、年代、年、月、周或日。.
描述: Add professional Gantt charts to your JavaFX applications. FlexGanttFX is a scheduling and resource planning component for JavaFX. It allows developers to customize every single aspect of its appearance and behaviour via CSS and the use of pluggable ... 閱讀詳情
描述: Add Professional Gantt Charts to your Java Applications. FlexGantt is an advanced Gantt chart user interface component for Swing, which allows its users to interact with project plans and scheduling results. Applications using FlexGantt can customize the ... 閱讀詳情