TX Spell .NET for WPF 9.0

Mejora la configuración de ShowDialog y agrega compatibilidad con .NET 6.
Noviembre 30, 2021
Nueva versión


  • ShowDialog Settings - With this release, the ShowDialogSettings class can now determine the start position and the owner of the built-in options and spell check dialog. To specify these settings for the spell check dialog, the new TXSpellChecker.SpellChecker.ShowDialogSettings property has been provided. The options dialog can be modified by setting an instance of the ShowDialogSettings class as a parameter to the OptionsDialog method.
  • Build WPF Applications with Microsoft .NET 6 - This release supports .NET 5, .NET 6 and .NET 4.8 to create WPF Applications in Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 and 2022.
  • Customize Directory Paths
    • By default, 4 directories are required to make use of the TX Spell .NET features spell checking, hyphenation, creating synonyms and detecting language scopes:
      • Dictionaries.
      • HyphenationLists.
      • SynonymLists.
      • LanguageRecognition.
    • On a development machine, these folders are located in the \Assembly subdirectory of the TX Spell .NET installation directory. When the application is deployed, TX Spell .NET looks for these directories in the application's root folder.
    • With this release, the location of these sub-folders can be determined by specifying a directory path with the new corresponding properties DictionariesDirectoryPath, HyphenationListsDirectoryPath, SynonymListsDirectoryPath and LanguageRecognitionDirectoryPath.
ShowDialog settings

TX Spell .NET for WPF

Potentes herramientas de corrección ortográfica e idioma para aplicaciones TX Text Control .NET for WPF.

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