Todas las categorías

  1. Complementos de habla y kinésica

    About Speech & Kinesics Add-ins

  2. Aplicaciones de habla y kinésica

    About Speech & Kinesics Applications

  3. Componentes de habla y kinésica

    About Speech & Kinesics Components

  4. Servicios en la nube de propósito general

    Cloud Services for project & work management, learning and other general services. ...

  5. Servicios en la nube para desarrollo e implementación

    Cloud Services for application development including: architecture & modeling, code analysis, quality assurance testing, software deployment, configuration management and all aspects of the software development life-cycle. ...

  6. Aplicaciones de gestión y desarrollo de bases de datos

    Tools and utilities covering the development, optimization, administration and replication of databases. ...

  7. Componentes para controles deslizantes

    Slider components allow you to accept data input using a slider control for high resolution data entry, within set data bounds. ...

  8. Componentes para iconos

    Icon components allow you to present graphically meaningful user interface buttons and intuitive dialogs within your apps. ...

  9. Componentes para menús emergentes

    Popup components allow you to create popup status and notification panels within your apps. ...

  10. Componentes para impresión y vista preliminar

    Print and preview components allow you to add document previewing, formatting and printing to your apps. ...