MindFusion.Scheduling for Java Swing V2.2

Agrega dos nuevos temas oscuros y mejora la clase DataTime.
Febrero 9, 2022
Nueva versión


  • DateTime changes
    • The DateTime class now uses java.time.LocalDateTime for storage and calculations.
      • New constructor and toJavaDateTime method provide access to the stored LocalDateTime for easier interoperability with Java APIs and components.
    • LocalDateTime storage now allows for a much larger date range.
    • The Duration class now uses a java.time.Duration for storage and calculations.
      • New constructor and toJavaDuration method provide access to the stored java.time.Duration for easier interoperability with Java APIs and components.
  • Dark themes - Added two new dark themes which are accessible via the Dark and Black elements of the ThemeType enumeration, and static getDark and getBlack methods of the Theme class.
  • Miscellaneous
    • saveToString and loadFromString methods now support ContentType.Json.
New dark theme

MindFusion.Scheduling for Java Swing

Agregue calendarios inteligentes a las aplicaciones Java.

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