Content Management Applications

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Boost Your XML Editing Efficiency
Boost Your XML Editing Efficiency
April 18, 2024Feature Highlight
XML editors allow for direct modification of data, enabling users to update content and adjust configurations within XML files, while avoiding errors.
Edit and Manipulate JSON5 Files More Easily
Edit and Manipulate JSON5 Files More Easily
April 15, 2024Product Update
Oxygen JSON Editor 26.1 saves you time and effort when working with JSON5 files with support for syntax highlighting and validation features.
Optimize XML Transformations with an XSLT Profiler
Optimize XML Transformations with an XSLT Profiler
April 12, 2024Feature Highlight
Pinpoint inefficiencies and enhance processing speed by analyzing and optimizing each step of your XSLT transformations.
Streamline Your DITA Publishing Workflow
Streamline Your DITA Publishing Workflow
April 10, 2024Product Update
Oxygen XML Web Author 26.1 saves time and ensures consistency across outputs by using DITA-OT project files that act as reusable templates.
Transform JSON Documents to XML with XSLT
Transform JSON Documents to XML with XSLT
April 9, 2024Product Update
Oxygen XML Developer 26.1 allows you to use XSLT to seamlessly convert JSON into a format compatible with your existing tools and pipelines.
Fix All Detected XML Errors with a Single Click
Fix All Detected XML Errors with a Single Click
April 8, 2024Product Update
Oxygen XML Author 26.1 adds an action to apply all proposed quick fixes, saving significant time when dealing with multiple validation errors.