

Add-ins, plug-ins and extensions for integrated development environments (IDEs), such as Microsoft® Visual Studio and Delphi. Plus Web parts, plug-ins and add-ins for Microsoft SharePoint, SQL Server and other leading platforms.

Latest News

Customize Microsoft Copilot Guidance for Users
Customize Microsoft Copilot Guidance for Users
April 24, 2024Product Update
VisualSP Enterprise's latest update empowers subscription administrators to tailor end-user instructions for Copilot functionality and use cases.
Manage Resources in Async Code More Effectively
Manage Resources in Async Code More Effectively
April 23, 2024Product Update
ReSharper 2024.1 improves code reliability and prevents resource leaks in asynchronous methods.
Manage Your Zoho Desk Data Within Excel
Manage Your Zoho Desk Data Within Excel
April 18, 2024Product Update
Devart Excel Add-in for Zoho Desk simplifies customer support by enabling you to effortlessly import, edit, and sync Zoho Desk data in Excel.
Enhance Your Java and PHP Testing with AI
Enhance Your Java and PHP Testing with AI
April 17, 2024Product Update
JetBrains AI Assistant 2024.1 streamlines your workflow by automatically generating new test files and establishing the appropriate structure.
Manage Your Zoho Books Data Within Excel
Manage Your Zoho Books Data Within Excel
April 16, 2024Product Update
Devart Excel Add-in for Zoho Books effortlessly integrates Microsoft Excel with Zoho Books, streamlining data transfer to enhance productivity.
Add a Legend to Your Data Visualizations
Add a Legend to Your Data Visualizations
April 2, 2024Product Update
Drill Down Visuals for Power BI 1.11 introduces the legend field which helps users distinguish between different data series within a visualization.