Écrivez et interprétez le langage SQL grâce à la puissance de l’IA

Novembre 3, 2023
Altova DatabaseSpy 2024 comporte désormais un assistant IA pour aider les développeurs à générer des instructions SQL à partir d’invites en langage ordinaire, et à résoudre les erreurs.

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Altova DatabaseSpy is a multi-database query and design tool that connects to all major databases. It supports SQL editing, database structure design, content editing and database conversion.

Version 2024 includes a new AI Assistant designed to help developers generate SQL statements, tables, and more. The new feature can also describe what a SQL statement will accomplish when executed, help users understand errors, and format code to make it more readable.

To see a full list of what's new in version 2024, see our release notes.

Altova DatabaseSpy is available to buy in the following products: