사용자가 브라우저에서 직접 PDF를 편집할 수 있습니다

11월 3, 2023
ONLYOFFICE Docs v7.5에는 사용자가 애플리케이션을 종료하지 않고도 PDF 문서에서 주석과 코멘트를 남기고, 그림을 그리고, 양식을 채울 수 있는 강력한 PDF 편집기가 추가되었습니다.

영어로 계속 읽기:

ONLYOFFICE Docs is a comprehensive online editor, allowing users to create text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and forms. It enables your users to edit, share, and collaborate on documents online in their preferred browser, within your own application. It's fully compatible with OOXML (Office Open XML) formats and supports popular Microsoft Office and other document formats such as CSV, DOC, DOCX, EPUB, HTML, ODP, ODS, ODT, PDF, PPT, PPTX, RTF, TXT, XLS, and XLSX.

Version 7.5 of ONLYOFFICE Docs expands its scope with the addition of a PDF editor. This new tool allows users to perform operations on PDF files such as text annotation (including highlighting, underlining and strikethrough), filling in forms, commenting and freehand drawing. The editor provides ONLYOFFICE users with a convenient and powerful way to edit files in the popular PDF format.

To see a full list of what's new in v7.5.0, see our release notes.

For more information, see our ONLYOFFICE Docs product page.