DTD에서 XSD로의 변환 기능으로 XML을 현대화하세요

2월 26, 2024
문서 형식 정의를 XML Schema로 변환하면 유효성 검사, 네임스페이스 지원 및 호환성이 향상됩니다.

영어로 계속 읽기:

DTD to XSD conversion is the process of translating the structure and validation rules defined in a Document Type Definition (DTD) into an XML Schema Definition (XSD). Both define the structure of XML documents, DTD is an older method for defining the legal building blocks of an XML document, whereas XSD offers richer capabilities and stricter validation. Conversion involves mapping DTD elements, attributes, and constraints to their equivalent XSD counterparts, handling differences like content models and data types. XSD offers several advantages over DTD, including support for data types, namespaces, and greater extensibility, which allows for more precise and comprehensive definitions of XML document structures.

Several structured document tools allow you to convert DTD to XSD, including:

For an in-depth analysis of features and price, visit our comparison of structured document tools.

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