Actipro WPF Essentials 23.1.3

Editors, Themes 및 ScrollViewer를 개선합니다.
9월 12, 2023
신규 버전


  • Editors
    • Added a new Custom Edit Box QuickStart sample demonstrating how to build an edit box for a custom type.
    • Updated each edit box template to bind the TabIndex property down to the embedded TextBox control.
  • .NET Languages Add-on
    • Updated the C# grammar with improved error handling within block statements.
    • Updated the VB grammar to support a first optional argument in an argument list.
    • Updated the binary assembly reflection logic to handle a possible exception when examining obfuscated assemblies.
  • Themes
    • Updated edit controls in a read-only state to have a slightly dimmer foreground than normal.
    • Updated several theme brushes.
  • Shared
    • Refactored ResizableContentControl layout logic to better handle external constraints.
    • Updated UserPromptControl to make the content area's ScrollViewer focusable only when scrollbars are visible.
Actipro WPF Essentials

Actipro WPF Essentials

WPF를 위한 프로페셔널 유저 인터페이스 컨트롤 및 컴포넌트 세트.

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