DiagramLite adds Silverlight 4 support

Version 1.5 is compatible with Visual Studio 2010 and adds printing support in Silverlight 4.
May 20, 2010
Feature Release

DiagramLite provides applications targeting the Silverlight platform with the ability to create and display various kinds of diagram. DiagramLite supports workflow, flowchart and process diagrams, object hierarchy and relationship charts, entity-relationship diagrams, structures like graphs and trees, etc. Every behavioral and appearance aspect of DiagramLite can be customized as best suits your project. DiagramLite's Diagram objects can have different styles, colors, fonts and pictures. DiagramLite's programming model comprises more than 300 methods, properties and events. Source Code is available. DiagramLite now supports Silverlight 4 and Visual Studio 2010.

Updates in V1.5

  • Support for Silverlight 4
    The package now includes a Silverlight 4 version of the MindFusion.Diagramming assembly, available in the VS2010 subfolder of the installation folder. That subfolder also includes sample projects for Visual Studio 2010. Silverlight 3 and Visual Studio 2008 are still supported.
  • Printing support
    Printing support is available in the Silverlight 4 version of the component. Call the Print method to print the current diagram. The PrintOptions class exposes the available settings for printing such as Margins and HeaderFormat. An instance of this structure is accessible via the diagram's PrintOptions property.
  • Visual states
    The DiagramItem class now defines two visual state groups. The group SelectionStates contains the Unselected and Selected states. The MouseStates group contains the MouseOut, MouseOver and MouseDown states. Note that the control does not provide any built-in animations for transitions between these states. If that's required, it can be implemented through custom Xaml templates where Storyboard objects are associated with states through the VisualStateManager.VisualStateGroups property.

Other Improvements

  • To display a custom mouse cursor that does not depend on the current context, set the OverrideCursor property.
  • The CanUndo and CanRedo properties are enabled when there are actions in the undo queue that can be undone or redone.
  • ActionUndone and ActionRedone events are now raised when a Command is undone or redone.
  • Classes derived from DiagramLink can control the position of the link's TextBlock by overriding UpdateTextLayout.
  • A KeepRatio constraint added to NodeConstraint to enable locking the width to height ratio for a node.
  • LinkPasted and NodePasted events are raised when PasteSelection adds the corresponding types of items.
  • Improved hit-testing and link alignment to borders for RoundRect shapes.
  • Text wrapping can be enabled or disabled through the TextWrapping property.

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MindFusion Group products and services are based on the advanced technologies of industry leaders like Microsoft and Sun Microsystems as well as on open-source products. The professionals working with the MindFusion Group specialize in different areas of application and web development, database design and management, systems and network integration. They utilize the available technologies to maximum extent to create manageable, cost-efficient and flexible software solutions.

Running the TreeLayout sample in DiagramLite.

MindFusion.Diagramming for Silverlight

Add workflow, flowchart, process diagrams and more to your Silverlight applications.

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