astah* share supports astah* V6.3

Version 2.3 adds support for astah* professional V6.3, astah* UML V6.3 and astah* community V6.3.
December 8, 2010
Feature Release

astah* share is a communication tool that enables you to share astah files with others. Each member can access shared content from a Web browser and add comments and replies on them. It promotes discussions of issues and ideas and is an effective way to collaborate in multi-user environments. astah* share depends on numbers of astah* files and access users, diagram sizes and a maximum number of multiple concurrent requests. Any system used for Apache Tomcat, Java (which are included in the astah* share installer) and astah* professional is recommended for running astah* share.

Updates in V2.3

  • Support for astah* professional, astah* UML and astah* community V6.3.

About Change Vision

Change Vision, Inc. is a software development company founded in Tokyo, Japan in 2006. By combining modern visualization methods with agile software development principles and practices, the company aims to achieve a clear system design and status for your project. This will help to add innovation to your products or services, and transform your whole business process.

Displaying a zoomed section of a flowchart alongside an overall map.

Astah Professional

Business process UML modeling tool.

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