MindFusion.Charting for WinForms V4.2

Adds the ability to create Tower charts along with .NET 6 support.
January 13, 2022
New Version


  • Added support for Tower charts:
    • The TowerChart control and TowerRenderer component rendering series side by side to allow you to compare data sequence and sizes.
    • Tower charts require three-dimensional series.
      • The first dimension specifies event order or timing and is used to sort or position segments.
      • The second dimension specifies duration and is rendered as segment length along the main axis.
      • The third dimension specifies a value rendered as segment width along the cross axis.
      • You could use the stock EventSeries class as data container, or implement the Series interface to provide data from your own data structures.
  • Added Microsoft .NET 6 support - The MindFusion.Charting distribution now includes assemblies for .NET 6. Locally installed assemblies don't show automatically in toolbox at this time, you can either add them manually or through Nuget package manager.
Tower chart

MindFusion.Charting for WinForms

A smart dashboard control, which provides a rich set of highly customizable charts and gauges.

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