Wisej.NET v3.2

Adds new modern, centralized and flexible validation system for Wisej.NET applications.
February 21, 2023
New Version


  • Validation System - Added a new Validation property extender to provide a modern, centralized, and flexible validation system to Wisej.NET applications. Once you drop the new Validation component on a container at design time, all the controls are extended with a new property ValidationRules. You can assign multiple validation rules to any control. There are 7 built-in validation rules:
    • Required: Validates the presence of any value.
    • Email: Validates an email entry.
    • Decimal: Validates a decimal value.
    • Integer: Validates an integer value.
    • Currency: Validates a currency value.
    • Telephone: Validates a phone number using a validation mask.
    • Regex: Validates any value using a custom regular expression.
  • JSON View Builder - A new experimental extension has been added which allows you to build all sorts of views using a plain JSON representation.
  • Enhanced Font Support - Font support has been enhanced in the JavaScript layer as well as the server side .NET layer in Wisej.NET. Using theme fonts that are not installed on the server is now supported and you can load all the different variations for a font family.
  • Added a new premium extension: DevExpress JavaScript Dashboard - This dashboard allows developers to create interactive and customizable dashboards for business intelligence (BI) purposes. It includes a wide range of data visualization tools and widgets, including charts, graphs, maps, gauges and pivot tables.
    • NOTE: Using this extension requires a Developer Express License.
  • HTTPS Local Server - Added 'Enable HTTPS' option to the new project wizard.
  • General Improvements:
    • ​Speed improvements across the board.
    • Consolidated bug fixes and enhancements to all controls.
    • DataGridView memory footprint for large data sets has been reduced.
    • Expanded Binding and MVVM ICommand support to ToolBarButtons and MenuItems.
    • Added new BindableComponent base class to enable data binding on components.


Full-stack framework to develop enterprise-scale web applications using standard .NET.

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