development - ThinkAutomation

  1. ThinkAutomation v5.0.992

    Release Notes: Added 'Message Store Copy' option to the Server Settings- Message Store tab. This allows you to make a copy of your current Message Store database. Added %LastActionExecutionMs% built-in variable, which holds the number of milliseconds that the last action took to execute. Added

  2. ThinkAutomation v5.0.985

    Release Notes: to extract text. Twitter Message Sources and the 'Send Tweet' action now require your own a Twitter Developer account. This is due to Twitter/X removing the free trier API access. Twitter Message ... Sources now require a paid developer account (Basic or Pro). You can enter your Twitter Developer API Key, Client ID and Client Secret in the ThinkAutomation Server settings- Integrations tab. Added ...

  3. ThinkAutomation v5.0.978

    Release Notes: Added new 'Check SSL Certificate' action which checks the validity and expiry date for the SSL certificate used on any host/URL. This action can be used to monitor a web site SSL certificate and get notified if the certificate is invalid or about to expire. Improved Web Chat Message UI to ...

  4. ThinkAutomation v5.0.975

    Release Notes: Added PostgreSQL to the available ThinkAutomation Message Store database types. Added 'Convert PowerPoint Document' action for converting Microsoft PowerPoint files to PDF or various image formats. The 'Print' action now supports printing PowerPoint files and attachments. The

  5. ThinkAutomation v5.0.970

    Release Notes: You can now set 'Log Retention Maximum Days' in the Server Settings- Message Store tab. This setting defines the maximum number of days that automation and message source logs are retained for. Previously logs where deleted after the highest Keep Messages For (Days) setting on all ...

  6. ThinkAutomation v5.0.968

    Release Notes: Added 'Max Wait Seconds' PowerShell action. This prevents scripts that do not properly handle timeouts from halting execution of the Automation. Added 'Export' option to Message Store Viewer which exports the current view to a CSV file. Added 'Disable Auto Logout On Screen ...

  7. ThinkAutomation v5.0.965

    Release Notes: Added export/import option to Automation editor. Web Chat form message source types now allow File Upload. If enabled users can upload a file to send with the current chat message. The uploaded file will be added to the incoming message as an attachment. Web Form message source types now allow File ...

  8. ThinkAutomation v5.0.960

    Release Notes: Added gpt-4 model to 'ChatGPT' action available model list. Added 'Require Moderation' to ChatGPT action, requires that the prompt sent to ChatGPT complies with OpenAI usage policies. This option should be enabled when creating public facing chat bots, email responders etc. ...

  9. ThinkAutomation v5.0.955

    Release Notes: Added new 'Message Store Operation' action. This action can be used to return a conversation. A conversation is a transcript of message store messages between two email addresses with the same subject. The list can be returned in Markdown, JSON, CSV or HTML format. The Message Store ...

  10. ThinkAutomation v5.0.950

    Release Notes: Improved the Embedded Knowledge Store Browser. You can now drag and drop files and documents onto the 'Titles' list to quickly import into the knowledge store. Microsoft Outlook message files (*.msg) can now also be imported. Added 'HTML To Markdown' conversion option to

  11. ThinkAutomation v5.0.946

    Release Notes: When creating a new 'Web Chat' message source the Studio will now ask if you want to use 'ChatGPT with Knowledge Store' when creating the new Automation. Added new 'Web Spider' action. This action spiders a website for all URLs. The URLs are returned to a variable (one ...

  12. ThinkAutomation v5.0.945

    Release Notes: Added new 'Embedded Knowledge Store' action. This action can be used to save knowledge base articles. You can then search the knowledge base and return the top 'x' most relevant articles. This is especially useful when used with the ChatGPT action in order to provide context to ...

  13. ThinkAutomation v5.0.940

    Release Notes: Added a new Message Source type: Web Chat. This is similar to the Web Form message source type but each message/automation response is shown in a conversation-style UI. It can be used to create web chat bots, especially when the Automation uses the ChatGPT action. This allows bots to use ChatGPT ...

  14. ThinkAutomation v5.0.932

    Release Notes: Added ChatGPT action for sending a prompt to OpenAI ChatGPT and receiving a response. 0 ...

  15. ThinkAutomation v5.0.930

    Release Notes: Automation Live Debugging- You can now debug an Automation from the Studio and step through actions to see current variable values. The 'File Operation' action 'Copy' operation now has an 'Overwrite' setting and you can also specify a different destination file name. ...

  16. ThinkAutomation v5.0.925

    Release Notes: Added new 'List Operation' action. A generic action for creating, updating, sorting and searching lists of values. You can read a single list value or all values. Complete lists can be returned as text, JSON array, markdown table, CSV or HTML list. Automations will now show grouped by ...

  17. ThinkAutomation v5.0.920

    Release Notes: Added the option to use your own App Registration for Microsoft/Office 365 logins. You can now specify your own client ID, client secret and tenant id for each Solution or globally. These will override the defaults for Office 365 logins. You must create your own App Registration in Microsoft Azure. ...

  18. ThinkAutomation v5.0.912

    Release Notes: Added new 'Extract Address Parts' action for parsing and extracting address fields from postal addresses. Added new 'Extract Using Text Range' option to the 'Extract Field' action. This allows free-form extraction of text using left, top, right and bottom character ...

  19. ThinkAutomation v5.0.910

    Release Notes: Added 'Ends With' to 'Select Case' action. Added option to automatically create multiple 'Extract Field' actions from a given block of text or JSON. Web Form message sources can now use a button group or a radio button group for 'Must Be In List' validation. ...

  20. ThinkAutomation v5.0.900

    Release Notes: The 'Run A Program' action now has an option to execute the process via the Studio/Desktop Connector. Fixed issue with Run A Report action. The report designer crashed if an external Excel or CSV data source was added. Fixed issue with IMAP Message Source not reading new messages after ...