maths stats - Aspose.TeX for Java

  1. Aspose.TeX for Java V23.5

    Release Notes: Embedded fonts that are required by the 'amsfonts' package. Fixed math glue scanning issue. ...

  2. About Aspose.TeX for Java

    Description: Write output to disk. Write output to ZIP. Customize output. Create custom TeX format. Create geometrical figures with LaTeX. Create math equations with LaTeX. Subset fonts within TeX. Turn different ...

  3. Aspose.TeX for Java V23.4

    Release Notes: Adds generic LaTeX code fragment renderer. Added generic LaTeX code fragment renderer. You can now turn on font subsetting for SVG math rendering and SVG figure rendering by default. Fixed ...

  4. Aspose.TeX for Java V22.3

    Release Notes: Adds the ability to convert TeX files to SVG. Added the ability to convert TeX files to SVG. Added the ability to render TeX math formula to SVG. Added support for including PS/EPS and XPS/OXPS ...

  5. Aspose.TeX for Java V21.8

    Release Notes: for clipping paths. Added color support. Added the ability to load LaTeX format files to ObjectTeX engine. Added the ability to plug-in standard LaTeX packages. Added new math formula renderer. Added the ability ... to adapt geometry packages. Added the ability to adapt color package. Added support for raster image inclusion within graphics packages. Added error reporting feature in the Math Renderer. ...