orm - JetBrains Academy for Organizations

  1. JetBrains Academy for Organizations- September 2023 release

    Release Notes: algorithms. Project: Bike Shop- In this project, you will learn about general Django concepts and master Django ORM (object-relational mapping). As a result, you'll create an application with separate ...

  2. JetBrains Academy for Organizations updated

    Release Notes: is for you. Memorization Tool- In this project, you are going to create a tool for memorizing lines, poems, speeches, and other text-based materials, so you don’t have to. You’ll work with the SQLAlchemy ORM ...

  3. JetBrains Academy for Organizations- April 2022 release

    Release Notes: an app that extracts the most important sentences from a given text to help us all cope with the insane volumes of Web content you’re faced with every day. Topics: Django: Django ORM vs raw SQL. Data ...

  4. JetBrains Academy for Organizations- July 2022 release

    Release Notes: Django concepts, such as models, forms, the admin panel, and the template language, and master Django ORM (object-relational mapping). SQL Project: Library Management System (Beta)- A database ...