
Dernières nouvelles

Merge Documents in Your Node.js Apps
Merge Documents in Your Node.js Apps
April 19, 2024Product Update
GroupDocs.Merger for Node.js via Java extends your apps with document merging capabilities for formats including PDFs, Office files, and archives.
Develop Modern WinForms Applications Using .NET 8
Develop Modern WinForms Applications Using .NET 8
April 19, 2024Product Update
Bunifu UI WinForms v7.0 streamlines professional WinForms UI development with the addition of Microsoft .NET 8 support.
Extract Pages from a PDF File in your WPF App
Extract Pages from a PDF File in your WPF App
April 19, 2024Fonctionnalités clés
Choose a PDF Viewer component that lets you extract pages by range or individual selection for maximum flexibility.
Rapidly Create Excel Spreadsheets with Templates
Rapidly Create Excel Spreadsheets with Templates
April 19, 2024Product Update
Document Solutions for Excel v7.1 features refactored DsExcel templates to improve performance, stability, and handle a wider range of user needs.
Preserve Report Formatting for Sharing with MHT
Preserve Report Formatting for Sharing with MHT
April 19, 2024Fonctionnalités clés
Export .NET 8 WPF reports to the broadly compatible MHTML format, maintaining layout fidelity and enabling offline viewing.
Compress Files Without Losing Data
Compress Files Without Losing Data
April 19, 2024Product Update
Aspose.ZIP for Java V24.3 allows developers to compress files with a high compression ratio and fast decompression speeds using LZMA.