
PDFlib GmbH is completely focused on PDF technology. Customers worldwide use PDFlib products since 1997. The company closely follows development and market trends, such as ISO standards for PDF. PDFlib GmbH products are distributed in more than 100 countries all over the world with major markets in North America, Europe, and Japan.

Latest News

Generate PDF Documents in .NET 8
Generate PDF Documents in .NET 8
January 29, 2024Product Update
PDFlib 10.0.2 adds .NET 8 support, enabling developers to add PDF functionality to their applications in the latest .NET release.
PDFlib PLOP 5.5
PDFlib PLOP 5.5
March 7, 2023New Version
Improves language bindings and adds updates for the latest language versions including .NET 6/7 and PHP 8.1/8.2.
PDFlib TET 5.4
PDFlib TET 5.4
January 12, 2023New Version
Improves all language bindings and adds the latest language versions including .NET 6/7 and PHP 8.1/8.2.
PDFlib+PDI 10.0.1
PDFlib+PDI 10.0.1
October 6, 2022New Version
Adds correct table checksums to TrueType/OpenType fonts retrieved as hostfonts on macOS.
PDFlib 10.0.1
PDFlib 10.0.1
October 6, 2022New Version
Adds support for PHP 8.2.

Partnership Status

Professional Partner
As official and authorized distributors since 2003, ComponentSource supplies you with legitimate licenses directly from PDFlib.

Product Classifications

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