
#1000 - 1177 West Hastings St
Vancouver, BC V6E 2K3
免費: +1 (866) 631 4581
電話: +1 (778) 786 1100
傳真: +1 (778) 786 1133
上班時間: Open: Mon-Fri, 8:00am-5:00pm PT (UTC-7.00)


ActiveState, the Open Source Languages Company, provides enterprise grade programming language distributions backed with cross-platform consistency, commercial technical support, security reviews, license reviews, and indemnification. ActiveState’s products and services directly address the challenges faced by enterprises transitioning into digital and algorithmic businesses. Founded in 1997, ActiveState is uniquely positioned to help address these challenges through its experience with...

ActiveState's communication, response times and customer support are outstanding compared to other companies. Thanks a lot for the good work.

Lorenz Pelzer, IT Team Leader, Siemens


ActiveState Platform - 2023 年 9 月
ActiveState Platform - 2023 年 9 月
September 13, 2023新版本
包括對 sqlite3、Certifi、Python、Maturin、Orjson 和 Ruby 的更新。
更新了 ActiveState Platform
更新了 ActiveState Platform
September 7, 2023新版本
添加將 Python 運行時嵌入到 Docker 鏡像的功能。
ActiveState Platform - 2023 年 7 月
ActiveState Platform - 2023 年 7 月
July 13, 2023新版本
包括對 OpenSSL、Python 和 TensorFlow 的更新。
ActiveState Platform - 2023 年 6 月
ActiveState Platform - 2023 年 6 月
June 8, 2023新版本
包括對 Python、Perl 和 Pygit2 的更新。
ActiveState Platform - 2023 年 5 月
ActiveState Platform - 2023 年 5 月
May 16, 2023新版本
包括對 Jupyter、Pycurl 和 Scipy 的更新。