TX Text Control .NET for Windows Forms Enterprise 리뷰

평균 리뷰 스코어: 4 (7)

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가장 최근의 긍정적인 리뷰

익명4 등급

I have been extremely impressed with it's abilities as a an editor and with what is provided, the .NET integration and setup was easy and the programming model is straightforward.

가장 최근의 중요 리뷰

이 제품에 대한 부정적인 리뷰가 없습니다.
이름 보류 구매하신 고객님이탈리아4 등급
익명4 등급

I have been extremely impressed with it's abilities as a an editor and with what is provided, the .NET integration and setup was easy and the programming model is straightforward.

익명4 등급

As a new customer, I would like to say thank you for an impressive product. It has been a pleasure to work with from day one!

익명4 등급

Very happy and impressed with the X8 release and the capabilities. Especially Reflow.

익명4 등급

I was able to develop a prototype and demonstrate its capabilities to my superiors, which were impressed by the requirements achieved by using your component, and I added my personal testimony, which was greatly positive.

익명4 등급

We have been evaluating TX Text Control along with other editors in the market and are still impressed with TX's functionalities so far.

익명4 등급

We bought Text Control after my evaluation of it. We were very impressed with it's flexibility and features.