

Utilities and tools for application development, software deployment, testing and all aspects of the software development life-cycle. Systems and operations apps for database and network management, plus general purpose apps for help authoring and content management.

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Streamline Research with AI-Powered Analysis
Streamline Research with AI-Powered Analysis
April 25, 2024Product Update
Datalore 2024.2 empowers researchers with Datalore Autopilot, an AI-driven tool for intelligent insights and effortless code generation.
Monitor Your .NET App's Performance in Real-Time
Monitor Your .NET App's Performance in Real-Time
April 24, 2024Product Update
Rider 2024.1 enhances performance analysis with a new monitoring tool window for background collection of key .NET application metrics.
Simplify MSI Creation with File Harvesting
Simplify MSI Creation with File Harvesting
April 24, 2024Product Update
PACE Suite 6.2 streamlines the MSI packaging process by automatically including any dynamic files generated during compilation.
Script and Debug with the Latest PowerShell Release
Script and Debug with the Latest PowerShell Release
April 23, 2024Product Update
SAPIEN DevOps Suite 2024 now supports PowerShell 7.4.2, enabling powerful automation and scripting with the newest version of PowerShell.
Pause Program Execution at Designated Points
Pause Program Execution at Designated Points
April 23, 2024Feature Highlight
Breakpoints enable developers to inspect a program's state in real-time, leading to a deeper understanding of software behavior.
Analyze the Timing of Interactions
Analyze the Timing of Interactions
April 23, 2024Product Update
Astah Professional v9.2 adds UML Timing Diagrams to visualize sequenced interactions and state changes within a system.