Visual Assist

Visual Assist fills the gaps in Microsoft Visual Studio. It helps developers write code faster and easier. Visual Assist is a key productivity tool relied on by C++ developers worldwide. It is very likely that software you use has been written with the assistance of Visual Assist. Whether it is better navigation than is inbuilt in Visual Studio, to refactorings, code generation, and more, Visual Assist is extraordinarily powerful, is lightweight and fast, is very flexible, and is written by developers for developers. That means it does what your developers need.

Recently, I was developing at home where I do not have Visual Assist. Progress was so slow. It was like programming with stone knives and bearskins.

Mark Graham, BitTorrent

Visual Assist solves problems in Visual C++ and C#. From better navigation to refactoring, this lightweight performant plugin is widely relied on in the industry. Visual Assist has a wealth of features to enhance developer productivity and will improve virtually every Microsoft IDE you have with the multitude of features that comprise Visual Assist.

Visual Assist Features:

  • Navigation
    Move about your code with newfound ease—to any file, method, symbol, or reference in your projects and solutions...


用更快的分析器提高 Visual Studio 的工作效率
用更快的分析器提高 Visual Studio 的工作效率
February 9, 2024Product Update
Visual Assist 2024.1 具有經過全面改進的解析器,使初始啟動時間比以前的版本快 15 倍。
輕鬆共用來自 Visual Studio 的代碼片段
輕鬆共用來自 Visual Studio 的代碼片段
December 15, 2023Product Update
Visual Assist 2023.6 添加“與團隊成員共用”的新選項,可讓您透過電郵、GitHub 等即時將代碼發送給其他開發人員。
Visual Assist 2023.4
Visual Assist 2023.4
August 30, 2023新版本
添加對 Unity 遊戲引擎的官方支援。
Visual Assist 2023.3
Visual Assist 2023.3
June 5, 2023新版本
添加對 C# 的「is」運算子的解析器支援。
Visual Assist 2023.2
Visual Assist 2023.2
May 2, 2023新版本
添加對啟用未評估的 Clang Tidy 檢查器作為代碼檢查的支援。
Visual Assist 2023.1
Visual Assist 2023.1
February 7, 2023新版本

價格從: $ 273.42

One software license is required per developer。 Each license includes 1 Year Maintenance Subscription which can be renewed each year。 The software is licensed perpetually however if you do not renew...


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Add-In Type
  • Microsoft Visual Studio