Convierta documentos e imágenes en dispositivos ARM64

Julio 31, 2024
PEERNET TIFF, PDF y Raster Image Printers ahora son compatibles con Windows 11 ARM64, lo que garantiza la compatibilidad con los dispositivos y plataformas más recientes.

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PEERNET offers a trio of powerful virtual printer drivers for Windows: Raster Image Printer, PDF Image Printer, and TIFF Image Printer. These drivers bypass physical printing, seamlessly converting virtually any file format into high-fidelity images or PDFs. All three integrate seamlessly into existing workflows, accessible via standard printing routines. Simply select the desired driver during your usual printing process, and your files will be transformed into the chosen format.

The PEERNET Image Printer version 12.0.024 updates expand compatibility to include Windows 11 ARM64 architecture. This enhancement enables users with ARM64-based Windows 11 devices to seamlessly convert documents to TIFF, raster, and PDF formats, respectively, providing consistent image creation capabilities across a wider range of hardware platforms.

PEERNET virtual printers have a number of different license options including per user, unlimited users, terminal server, OEM and more. See our licensing pages for more information:

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