IntegralUI TreeView improves performance

Version 3.0 also features new XML attributes and adds RightToLeft support.
Mayo 18, 2010
Nuevas funcionalidades

IntegralUI TreeView gives you the next step in creating professional and modern user interface. With it you can customize the hierarchical presentation of data. Images, text and custom controls can be included in every node, and it gives you more flexibility in creation of custom user interface. Includes fast list creation, XML encoding of node text, rich styling features, customizable appearance and theme support.

Updates in V3.0

  • Great performance improvement during data load and control layout update
  • Partially visible controls remain active
  • RightToLeft support
  • New XML attributes
  • Option to separately show/hide the scrollbars
  • CurrentList property, represents a flat list of all nodes that are currently visible and filtered
  • Alignment of expand box, check box, state image and item icon
  • EnsureVisible with option to choose the item position
  • ItemSelectionChanged even which notifies when node changes its selection
  • Option to edit nodes and subitems created with rich content. Also editing of specific text part.
  • UpdateCurrentView, a new method with which only objects in current display area of the control are updated.
  • Margin, a new property in format style of the node, with which you can change the space between other nodes. Now every node can have different distance from other nodes

About Lidor Systems

Lidor Systems is a software development company specializing in the design and development of high quality .NET components and controls. Its design philosophy is based on ease of use and required flexibility, performance, and integration capabilities, assisting the developers eliminating the time and cost associated with in-house development. The company's goal is to provide you with the innovative components, tools and support you need to effectively compete in today's competitive development market.

A formatted TreeView created with IntegralUI TreeView.

IntegralUI TreeView

Rich hierarchical presentation of data and custom controls.

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