PhpStorm 9 adds Inline Debugger for PHP

Variable values are displayed in the line of source code where each variable is used.
Julio 9, 2015
Nuevas funcionalidades

PhpStorm provides a rich and intelligent code editor for PHP with syntax highlighting, extended code formatting configuration, on-the-fly error checking, and smart code completion. PhpStorm is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for PHP developers, built on top of the IntelliJ IDEA platform. It inherits all the web-related functionality of IntelliJ IDEA for editing PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, working with VCS and SQL.

Updates in 9

  • Understand Code - All PHP-related subsystems have been updated. Feature include advanced PHP type inference, support for persistent language injections and numerous new inspections and intentions.
  • Postfix Code Completion - Transform an already typed expression to another one based on the postfix, the type of expression and its context.
  • Partial PHP 7 Support - This initial support makes it possible to use PHP 7 in new projects.
  • Inline Debugger for PHP - All debugging data is shown directly in the editor, with variable values integrated smoothly into the editor’s look-and-feel.
  • Remote Edit - Individual files can now be opened directly from a remote host (such as FTP, SFTP or FTPS) and edited in the IDE, without downloading them to the local project.
  • Remote Tools via Remote PHP Interpreters - Support for PHP Code Sniffer and Mess Detector via remote PHP interpreters.
  • Improved JavaScript Support - Faster code highlighting and code completion suggestions, as well as enhanced ECMAScript 6 support.
  • Application Dependency Diagrams - Application structure can be visualized and explored with spy-js.
  • Tracing Languages Transpiled to JavaScript - spy-js adds support for source maps to trace TypeScript, CoffeeScript or ECMAScript 6 code transpiled to JavaScript.
  • V8 Profiling for Node.js Apps - Capture and analyze JavaScript engine CPU profiles and heap snapshots for Node.js applications.
  • Simultaneous Tag Editing - Simply edit an opening HTML or XML tag, and PhpStorm takes care of the closing one.
  • Distraction Free Mode - A minimalistic UI with no toolbars, no tool windows and no editor tabs.
  • Diff Viewer - New option shows the difference between revisions on one page.

About JetBrains

JetBrains is a leading software development firm specializing in the creation of intelligent, productivity-enhancing software technology. The company is widely known for their innovative, award-winning products, IntelliJ IDEA, ReSharper and TeamCity. JetBrains' products are trusted and used every day by developers in over 3,000 companies worldwide, many from the Fortune 100. JetBrains has headquarters in Prague, Czech Republic and R&D centers in Russia, Germany and the USA.

Inline debugging for PHP.


IDE de PHP con refactorizaciones, finalización de código, análisis de código instantáneo y orientación a la productividad de la codificación.

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