Express Navigation Pack 16.1.3

Improves ExpressBars Suite and ExpressEditors Library.
Agosto 9, 2016
Nueva versión


ExpressBars Suite

  • TdxBarButton and its descendants - Add the capability to repeatedly raise the OnClick event while holding down the mouse button over a bar item being clicked.

ExpressEditors Library

  • TcxButton - Add the capability to repeatedly raise the OnClick event while holding down the mouse button over a button being clicked.


ExpressBars Suite

  • Invoking the Customization Form at design time unassigns a bar manager's OnItemLinkAdd, OnItemLinkChange, and OnItemLinkDelete event handlers.
  • Ribbon - TdxRibbonBackstageView - The Back button is cropped at high DPI settings (more than 96).
  • TcxBarEditItem - Clicking a linked control to switch the currently active tabbed page containing a focused control prohibits focusing a control located on the page being activated.
  • The "Add Toolbar" dialog invoked via the BarManager customization form is incorrectly positioned at runtime when a built-in VCL style is applied to an application.

ExpressDocking Library

  • The Hide caption button's glyph is incorrectly scaled at high DPI settings (more than 96).

ExpressLayout Control

  • Import - The size of non-container controls is modified on linking them with layout items.
  • Switching the Touch mode doesn't scale the expand button and action buttons displayed by layout groups.
  • The OnTabChanged event is not fired when a tab is closed.

ExpressEditors Library

  • All DevExpress editors - Custom Styles.Font settings are replaced with the parent control's font settings at high DPI settings (more than 96) in an application built with RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin.
  • cxComboBox - The editor's dropdown window is shown with a delay in Windows 10.
  • TcxTimeEdit - A NULL value cannot be assigned to the EditValue property at design time.
  • TdxCameraControl - Deactivating an application doesn't close the currently open Settings popup menu.
  • TdxCameraControl - The memory footprint constantly increases on switching camera resolutions in the Settings popup menu.
  • The TcxDBEditDataBinding.SetStoredValue procedure applies a workaround to the VarToBcd issue when compiling in RAD Studio XE2 or later (in which it was fixed).
  • Touch support - The drop-down list's content cannot be panned in TcxCustomComboBox descendants.

Installation (VCL)

  • Certain Data and Tag properties are not 64-bit compatible.
  • Documentation - Clicking cross-product links in CHM help files does not navigate to corresponding topics.
Express Navigation Pack.


Añada funcionalidad de cinta, barra de herramientas, diseño y máscaras a sus aplicaciones VCL.

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