DevExpress WinForms 16.1.6

Mejora los controles XtraEditors, XtraPrinting, XtraReports y XtraSpreadsheet.
Septiembre 9, 2016
Nueva versión


XtraEditors Library

  • LookUpEdit - Support Data Annotations attributes.
  • TokenEdit - Added the capability to initialize the DropDownControl manually.

XtraPrinting Library

  • Export to XLS, XLSX - Specify the "Fit All Rows on One Page" option in the resulting file.

XtraReports Suite

  • Support for exporting vector graphics to XLS\XLSX.
  • Define the rasterization resolution on export to XLS/XLSX format.


  • Recalculate an array formula range and reset the formula using SpreadsheetControl UI facilities without selecting the whole array formula range.
  • Skip hidden rows while exporting a document to the CSV format.
  • Spreadsheet API: Remove data validation from the specified range.


All WinForms Controls

  • SimpleButton - Tooltip is not shown when a form is inactive.
  • SkinEditor - A skin is not opened when its folder is located in the root directory.

XtraBars Suite

  • A form ignores the StartPosition property when the BackStageControl is used and the RibbonControl.RibbonStyle property is Office2013.
  • A tabbed DockPanel is briefly shown as floating during initialization.
  • An item from a merged BarLinkContainerExItem cannot be focused programmatically.
  • BackstageView - Keytips don't work at the second level.
  • BarCheckItem - The CheckChanged event is called multiple times when an item is double-clicked.
  • Docking - The background glyph is shown under custom header buttons in McSkin.
  • DocumentManager - A documet is hidden if its container is invisible and is moved onto another form.
  • Flickering occurs on the primary screen if BackStageView of RibbonForm that is maximized on the second screen is shown.
  • It is impossible to change the visibility of a hidden floating DockPanel after restoring the dock layout.
  • It is impossible to hide the "Editors" sub-menu using a custom RibbonDefaultRegistrationInfo descendant at design time.
  • Menu items are disabled in the Document Outline after the Customize item of the PopupMenu is clicked.
  • NativeMdiView - The "The given key was not present in the dictionary" exception is thrown when saving a document layout and a document form is maximized.
  • NullReferenceException sometimes occurs on clicking an item in a popup menu.
  • NullReferenceException occurs if TabbedView.Controller.CloseAllDocumentsAndHosts is invoked and certain documents are floating.
  • OfficeNavigationBar - It is impossible to add a custom NavigationBarItem to CollectionEditor.
  • RecentItemControl - The RecentItem property always returns null.
  • RecentItemControl - The RecentStackPanel is not refreshed after a corresponding RecentTabItem has been changed.
  • RecentTabItem's content is not shown correctly while switching between tabs if RecentItemCoontrol is used in BackstageView.
  • Reduce Operation disappears once created in XAF Ribbon Control Designer.
  • RibbonControl - An application containing a SpreadSheet crashes if the Ribbon's Style property is set to TabletOffice.
  • RibbonControl - BarButtonItem's text is painted incorrectly on a glass form in some skins when the item is placed in Quick Access Toolbar and the ActAsDropDown property is enabled.
  • RibbonStatusBar - Baritem shortcut is not working after the RibbonStatusBar is merged to another RibbonStatusBar.
  • Setting the e.Position parameter value in the ToolTipController.CalcSize event does not affect the resulting ToolTip position.
  • SuperIncreasing the Padding property value results in incorrect painting.
  • TabbedView - Clicking the smart tag of a control located within a tabbed document does nothing.
  • TabFormPage becomes invisible if it is moved and the right mouse button is released during the animation.
  • The BackstageViewControl.Shown event is raised before BackstageViewControl is completely shown.
  • The BarCheckItem image is scaled when High DPI is used.
  • The BarLargeButtonItem.Border property is reset by setting the BarLargeButtonItem.ItemAppearance.Normal.BackColor property.
  • The main form gets resized in the background when opening BackstageView.
  • TileNavBar - DockPanel in AutoHideContainer is shown under the drop-down form.
  • WidgetView - A wrong document is shown when the MaximizedControl property is changed in the Document.Maximized event handler.
  • WidgetView - Headers of inactive widgets and DockPanels look different in several skin paint schemes.
  • XtraBars - BarStaticItem on RibbonStatusBar - The item height is calculated incorrectly when the status bar's AutoHeight property is set to True.

XtraCharts Suite

  • A chart axis range changes after calling ChartControl.EndInit.
  • A Chart layout is refreshed incorrectly after the Legend item visibility is changed.
  • An exception is raised on setting the Marker FillMode to Empty.
  • Callbacks stop operating on the page that opens a page with ASPxChartDesigner when the Response.Redirect method is used.
  • Chart palette issues after upgrading from v16.1.4 to v16.1.5.
  • Export - Incorrect chart layout is generated when the ChartAnimationMode.OnDataChanged mode is enabled.
  • It is impossible to enable animation using the chart designer.
  • It is impossible to set the selected range in RangeControl when ChartControl is not visible after upgrading to version 16.1.
  • SeriesPointCollectionChangingException occurs when the TextPattern editor should be shown.
  • SparklineEdit - Columns with the same values are shown incorrectly.
  • The "Increase the chart's size to view its layout" message is shown in a Pie Chart when the chart is fully shown.
  • The chart rendering performance is not optimal in certain situations.
  • The Chart Wizard form location is incorrect in multi-screen environment.
  • The runtime axis range adjustment behavior changes in certain situations.
  • The SelectionController.FindPointForSeriesPoint method raises NullReferenceException after series recreation if any points were selected.
  • The WizardPage class does not provide the Header property.
  • Unhandled exception occurs when placing ChartControl to a form in a non-English locale environment.


  • DiagramControl doesn't provide the capability to disable the selection rectangle.

XtraEditors Library

  • CalendarControl - Pressing the arrow keys moves focus to the next/previous control.
  • DateEdit - The AllowAnimatedContentChange property does not disable content animation.
  • DateEdit doesn't update its dropdown until a user makes some modification when the TouchUI mode is applied and EditValue is set to a value greater than MaxValue.
  • DateEdit is localized incorrectly if the CurrentCulture and CurrentUICulture properties are set to different values.
  • DateNavigator cannot be entirely docked (DockType = Fill) when it is located within LayoutControlItem.
  • DropDownButton - Incorrect button width on high DPI systems.
  • DropDownButton - Text is clipped when AutoSize is enabled and the DropDownArrowStyle property is set to Show.
  • DropDownButton - The Padding property does not work when DropDownArrowStyle is set to SplitButton.
  • FilterEditorControl - NullReferenceException occurs when typing 'exists' in the Text tab and then switching to the Visual one.
  • GridLookupEdit's NullValuePrompt is not cleared when TextEditStyle = Standard.
  • If DevExpress blank application is created and then the BarCode control is dropped onto the target form, the Devexpress.Printing library is not added to the project's references.
  • InvalidOperationException occurs when an image is loaded by an external assembly that cannot be used.
  • LabelControl - The control size cannot be set when LabelControl is placed in TableLayoutPanel and the AutoSizeMode property is set to None.
  • LabelControlAppearanceObject doesn't restore its Options after deserializing.
  • LookUpEdit raises InvalidCastException when EditValue is null.
  • LookUpEditors automatically use the Key member of the Dictionary entry as EditValue if the ValueMember property is empty.
  • Memory leak appears in TokenEdit after the popup is opened.
  • NullValuePrompt is incorrectly shown in text editors with a Mask.
  • PictureEdit - It has 1px border when the BorderStyle property is set to NoBorder.
  • PictureEdit - Mask borders are painted aliased if OptionsMask is set to Circle.
  • RadioGroup is not accessibility compliant.
  • RepositoryItemDateEdit RowCount and ColumnCount properties don't work when the editor is placed in GridControl.
  • Setting the SearchLookUpEdit.EditValue property has no effect if the control is bound to WCFInstantFeedbackSource.
  • SimpleButton - No background is drawn when rendering with the Office2003 button style.
  • SimpleButton - The Appearance.GradientMode property has no effect when LookAndFeel.Style is set to Ultraflat.
  • SparkLineEdit - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown after sorting the editor's data.
  • TextEdit - A read-only editor looks editable in the Office 2016 Black theme.
  • TextEdit - If the editor has a greate height, it overlaps bottom buttons in the Mask Editor dialog shown at design time.
  • The CheckButton.Click event is raised even if there is an editor with an invalid value.
  • TimeSpanEdit - The CustomDisplayText event is not raised.
  • TimeSpanEdit - The UseMaskAsDisplayFormat property does not affect the editor's display text.
  • TokenEdit - The number of GDI objects grows when RepositoryItemTokenEdit is used in inplace mode.

XtraGauges Suite

  • A gauge is resized incorrectly (with an empty gap on top) when custom markers with custom appearance settings are enabled.
  • Circular and Linear Gauges - The default marker shape type is aligned incorrectly.
  • The Color property of the current color scheme does not work for the Haze style.

XtraGrid Suite

  • A PictureEdit image isn't shown correctly on the preview/print form from XtraGrid with high DPI (like the 125% Display Setting in Windows).
  • Appearance settings are ignored for empty cells when copying a cell range to clipboard with the GridView.OptionsClipboard.ClipboardMode property set to Formatted.
  • BandedGridView columns are mixed up in the resulting MS Excel document if a certain band is invisible when exporting in data-aware mode.
  • Conditional formatting rules don't work for a timespan column.
  • Customization Form - The Search Box ignores CustomizationCaption.
  • Data-Aware Export - An incorrect currency symbol is used when exporting data to CSV.
  • Grid - Setting/Changing the FieldName of GridColumn breaks an associated summary.
  • GridControl - Formattings are ignored during export to Excel if an expression-based rule is applied and the Data Aware engine is used.
  • GridControl - The Data Aware engine exports column headings to an incorrect position if BandedGridView is used.
  • GridControl is not populated at design time if the Preview Data button is clicked.
  • GridLookUpEdit - A grid is not filtered after re-opening a popup window.
  • GridView - Poor performance of horizontal scrolling in version 16.1.
  • GridView shows summary items for columns used for grid grouping in a group row if the AlignGroupSummaryInGroupRow property is enabled.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown on expanding a group row when the OptionBehavior.AllowPixelScrolling and OptionBehavior.AllowFixedGroups properties are enabled and a new item row is shown at the bottom of the GridView.
  • Rows are painted incorrectly during the horizontal scrolling if ShowColumnHeaders=false.
  • Summary of the Sum type is not available in the grid for TimeSpan columns in version 15.2.
  • The "Customize Layout" option can be invoked in the Custom Filter Dialog.
  • The GroupRow's expand/collapse button is not visible when GridControl operates in RTL mode.
  • The LookUpEdit.EditValue property is not updated when EditForm is used and types of the editor and GridColumn are different.
  • TileView - DivideByZeroException is thrown in the CalcColumnLocation method in certain cases.
  • TileView - The Grid Designer crashes in the Feature Browser and Tile Template sections when a GroupColumn is set.
  • WinExplorerView - The first row is not focused when a data source is assigned to a grid.
  • WYSIWYG Excel export - GridColumn's DisplayFormat is not preserved in the produced XLSX document.
  • XtraGrid - System.InvalidOperationException occurs on generating a report based on a grid that functions in Instant Feedback mode.
  • XtraGrid no longer displays IDictionary<K,V> correctly in 16.1.
  • XtraGridControl - Group summaries copied to an Excel file when the GridGroupSummaryItem.AlignGroupSummaryInGroupRow option is enabled are not considered as numeric.
  • XtraGridControl - The AutoFilterRow's column lines are shown incorrectly after horizontal scrolling.

XtraLayout Suite

  • LayoutControl - Incorrect Constraints calculation in a descendant class.
  • LayoutControl - Location hints are displayed at an incorrect position when the control is scrolled within a container.
  • LayoutControl - The & symbol remains visible and the next letter isn't underlined in collapsed group captions.
  • LayoutControl - The customization form appears at a wrong location when the control is scrolled within a container.
  • LayoutControl - The Customization Form content is not shown properly when the form's TouchUIMode option is enabled.
  • LayoutControl - The layout is not restored properly when the root group works in Table Layout mode.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown when a user customizes layouts at runtime (after an upgrade from 15.2 to 16.1).
  • TreeList in LayoutControl - Scrolling by the mouse wheel does not work when hovering over TreeList.


  • MapControl - MapPathSegment - Holes defined by using InnerBoundary are not filled with a correct color.
  • Open Street Map - Direct tile access to MapQuest legacy maps is discontinued.
  • The DevExpress.XtraMap.OpenStreetMapKind.Hot enumeration value returns an incorrect string representation.
  • The map clustering mode behavior gets changed after an update to 16.1.5.


  • NavBarControl - An image of incorrect size is shown in a group header of NavigationPane if the OptionsNavPane ShowGroupImageInHeader option is enabled and the current DPI value is greater than 100%.
  • NavBarControl - Maximizing the parent forms leads to incorrect item rendering.
  • NavBarControl - StackOverflowException occurs when any element is clicked and accessibility is used.
  • NavBarControl - The NullReferenceException is thrown when a NavBarGroup is added to the ItemLinks collection of another NavBarGroup.

XtraPivotGrid Suite

  • PivotGrid - The Row Grand Total alignment is not applied.

XtraPrinting Library

  • Export to Excel - Revert back the implementation of writing carriage return symbols in XLS/XLSX files.
  • The TruncateStringsToMaxLength property does not have any effect when exporting long strings to MS Excel in WYSIWYG mode.
  • TreeList - Extra hidden rows are created in an exported XLS document with 125 DPI.

XtraReports Suite

  • End-User Report Designer - Code Completion - The first property always becomes selected even if there are no matches.
  • ASPxWebDocumentViewer - The automatic drill-down feature doesn't work with MasterPages.
  • DefaultPrinterSettingsUsing.UseLandscape should not affect the XtraReports' Landscape property in the designer.
  • Empty RTF paragraphs are split on page breaks.
  • End-User Report Designer - Code Completion - The code completion window pops up even inside a quoted string when typing a period.
  • End-User Report Designer - Cannot perform CRUD operations over the Chart Control.
  • End-User Report Designer - Display report definition file paths in the Path column of the Document Manager's Opened Windows dialog.
  • End-User Report Designer - System.NullReferenceException is thrown on an attempt to switch between the Group and Sort panels if there is no report.
  • End-User Report Designer - The status bar displays the last opened report's title instead of Nothing after closing all tabs.
  • Export to Excel - The XRChart report control generates an image with poor quality.
  • IMenuCreationService works incorrectly in particular scenarios.
  • It's not possible to open a form with the ReportDesigner component as an MDI child form.
  • Print Dialog - It's not possible to set any property value within the StartPrint event handler for the second time.
  • Report Designer - An ExcelDataSource object instance is shown in the DataMember editor even if it has no inner lists/collections.
  • Report Designer - The "Add new parameter" dialog doesn't modify its layout correctly when it is resized by width.
  • ReportDesigner - The Ctrl+P command should do nothing.
  • ReportDesigner - XRTable resizing doesn't work as expected under any zoom level that is different from the default one.
  • Scripting - Change the type of an exception thrown when scripts are being executed.
  • Session is not accessible in an implementation of the IDataSourceWizardConnectionStringsProvider interface.
  • The 'Attempt by security transparent method 'DevExpress.XtraPrinting.Native.MAPIUnicode.MAPISendMail...' exception occurs on an attempt to send an email from a report preview.
  • The FieldListDockPanel.ShowParametersNode property does not hide the "Parameters" node from the Field List.
  • UnauthorizedAccessException is thrown on an attempt to load a report file from a read-only directory.
  • Web Report Designer - The DrillDownDetailReportExpanded option is not in effect.
  • WPF End-User Report Designer - Parameter Binding Collection Editor - The Sync button is missing.
  • WPF End-User-Report-Designer - Icons/Glyphs in the preview tab are missing if no report is opened.
  • WPF Report Designer - Parameter bindings - Cannot assign a master report parameter as a Binding property value.
  • XRBarCode may be not scannable in the Excel file produced by the report.


  • A URL is truncated on a line break in the resultant PDF file.
  • AltChunk elements in a header/footer are lost.
  • ArgumentOutOfRange exception is raised on an attempt to remove the last paragraph in a document.
  • Bookmarks referencing empty document ranges are not loaded from HTML format.
  • Clicking the "Expand" button of the Comment balloon does not result in expanding the Reviewed Pane when RichEditControl is in a Simple view.
  • Comments are not rendered in a document when content with comments is pasted and when an exception occurs on document scrolling.
  • DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.Forms.ParagraphForm's constructor was changed in the build.
  • It is impossible to change the CharacterProperties.BackColor property.
  • RepositoryItemRichTextEdit detects the content encoding incorrectly.
  • RichEditControl does not displays the nested bookmark in the Bookmark dialog.
  • RTF document generated by RichEditControl is incorrectly rendered in WordPad if the document contains tables with merged cells.
  • Tab stops settings are incorrectly displayed in the "Modify Style -> Format-> Tabs.." dialog.
  • The nested comment is displayed at the first level in RichEditControl after saving the document to RTF.
  • The numbering of lists is incorrectly imported from the DOC format (exported to PDF) in certain documents.
  • The RichEdit control displays content inside the <pre> tag incorrectly.
  • The RichEdit control rounds the font size specified in the HTML document differently from Word.
  • Top and bottom borders of table cells are set incorrectly when not an entire row is selected.

XtraScheduler Suite

  • A time interval of the last visible DayView exceeds the DayView's visible interval in case a non-standard Time Scale is used.
  • Agenda View - The DateTime.MinValue is shown in the GoToDate dialog.
  • Calling the GoToDate method with DateTime.Now parameter selects multiple days in the MonthView.
  • DailyRecurrenceControl cuts the inner editor's labels in the French locale.
  • System.InvalidCastException is thrown when adding a resource to the resource storage if the SchedulerStorage.Resources.ColorSaving property is set to ColorSavingType.Color.
  • The fade transition is not shown when switching to the Agenda view.
  • The HorizontalWeek control in tile mode doesn't correctly split over multiple pages.
  • The initial loading of an "empty" SchedulerControl (without any data bindings) requires a certain amount of time in "Release" mode.
  • The SchedulerControl.OptionsView.EnableAnimation property doesn't work when the FullWeek view is active.
  • Time Zones - Default values of the Recurrence Form's editors are set according to the scheduler storage time zone.
  • Time Zones - The recurrent pattern's Start and End times are loaded from XML incorrectly if time zone settings are specified for the pattern.


  • The "Number flag is incorrect" error occurs when the 'en_US' dictionary is loaded.


  • A cell loses formatting after unmerging a group of cells if it is not in the top left position.
  • A comment is shown far from the target cell bounds while pointing the mouse on this cell.
  • ContentChanged event is raised incorrectly when the Document.History.IsEnabled option is disabled.
  • Font settings are incorrectly applied to the document cells while loading a specific XLSM file (16.1.5).
  • Formula is not recalculated after the cut/paste or drag action is performed for the cell range related to this formula.
  • KeyNotFoundException occurs on an attempt to paste selection into a formula.
  • Moving the "Hyperlink" or "Protect Sheet" dialog results in freezing the SpreadsheetControl UI on Windows 7 OS with the enabled basic theme.
  • Slow XtraSpreadsheet control performance if a document contains columns with a BestFit option.
  • SpreadsheetControl sorts textual data next to the selected cells with numbers.
  • System.ArgumentException is thrown when opening a specific XLS file.
  • System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown on deleting a column containing columns with data validation.
  • The "Invalid OpenXml file" error occurs when loading a specific XLSX file.
  • The conditional formatting is not applied to the merged cells.
  • The height of rows is calculated incorrectly in a specific XLSX file.
  • The Spreadsheet control allows setting an invalid date format.
  • The Worksheet.CopyFrom method does not preserve rich text formatting when copied from another workbook.
  • The Worksheet.SplitLeftPosition and Worksheet.SplitTopPosition properties return the number of rows and columns in a frozen pane instead of the topmost row and leftmost column indices.

XtraTreeList Suite

  • The DragEnter event is not raised when dragging TreeListNode to TreeList in another application.
  • TreeList - Column header height is not re-calculated in an exported document when WYSIWYG export is used.
  • TreeList - Parent nodes don't update their checkstate when bound to a field of a class that implements IVirtualTreeListData.
  • TreeList - The CellValueChanged event is not fired if an edited node is moved out of the view due to sorting.
  • TreeList - The column order is not correct when the TreeListOptionsView.AllowBandColumnsMultiRow option is enabled.
  • TreeList - The Column/Band chooser shows regular captions instead of customization captions.
  • TreeList freezes after clicking a cell when the content of the control was scrolled.
  • TreeList uses Appearance settings instead of AppearancePrint for calculating sizes when printing its content.

XtraVerticalGrid Suite

  • Designer - Row names are not updated immediately in the row list after their Name property is changed in the Property Grid.
  • Manipulation of row visibility in PropertyGrid is broken after an update to 16.1.
  • PropertyGridControl - The ValidatingEditor event is not always raised when UITypeEditor is used.
  • VGridControl - An error is displayed if the e.ExceptionMode parameter is set to NoAction in the InvalidRecordException event.
  • VGridControl - An updated property value is not shown in an active editor after calling the BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods.
  • VGridControl - CategoryRow's expand/collapse icons are not shown when the Blue skin is applied.
  • VGridControl - The row caption color is unexpectedly dark when the Office 2016 Black skin is used.
  • XtraVerticalGrid has a static variable that cannot be used in multiple threads.
DevExpress WinForms

DevExpress WinForms

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