TeeChart for .NET v2016 (Build 4.1.2016.10265)

Se ha añadido compatibilidad con ejes de rango ampliado, además de una vista previa de la próxima versión de TeeChart for XAML.
Noviembre 14, 2016
Nueva versión


  • Pre-release version of the upcoming TeeChart for XAML release. Only available for WPF as of now. Accompanied by a demo, it currently allows some TeeChart properties to be set and bound to/from via Xaml. It also supports interfaces like ObservableCollection to automatically update the data in the chart. Only a few select properties are available, and only Bar, Line, Pie and Points series are supported.
  • Support for extended range Axes. Now supports ranges from Double.MinValue to Double.MaxValue with provision for infinite values plus support for +- Double.Epsilon ranges.
TeeChart for .NET

TeeChart for .NET Pro Edition

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