DevExpress WPF 16.2.3

Actualizaciones de la cuadrícula de datos, además de un nuevo control 3D para visualizar conjuntos de datos 3D como Surface, 3D Bars, 3D Scatter Points o Bubbles.
Diciembre 15, 2016
Nueva versión


  • Data Grid Control
    • Excel Inspired Filtering - v16.2 introduces new MS Excel-inspired column filter popups which make creating filter criteria easier.
    • Fixed Rows - The DevExpress WPF Grid Control allows end-users to pin required data rows to top and bottom.
    • Feature Browser for Visual Studio - With this release, design-time experience becomes easier and intuitive. The new Feature Browser allows you to quickly locate and specify the grid's feature-specific settings.
    • Cell Merging in Banded View.
    • Generate Bands from a BandSource - With this release, our WPF Grid Control can populate its bands from a ViewModel.
  • Chart Control
    • New Chart 3D Control - This release includes a new Chart 3D Control for WPF. This control allows you to visualize 3D data sets as Surface, 3D Bars, 3D Scatter Points or Bubbles.
    • Crosshair Improvements
      • Value duration pattern formatting. Total values for value duration (total days, hours, minutes, etc.) can be formatted with standard double formats using new placeholders (VDTD, VDTH, VDTM etc.).
      • Crosshair Popup Template.
      • New out of visual range series points Crosshair behavior. Series points which are out of axis' visual range can now be shown in the crosshair label.
      • Ability to display the Crosshair cursor using code.
      • Ability to always show group headers. Now crossrair group headers can be always shown if the following conditions are met: header pattern is specified or headers are enabled.
      • New CrosshairOptions.SnapMode (Only points with the same argument are shown in the Crosshair). We add the capability to select how to take points for the Crosshair. Now points can be selected as before (default mode), taken from some range around the crosshair cursor and by certain axis value specified by the crosshair cursor.
  • Diagram Control
    • Item Template Designer for Visual Studio - The new Template Designer for Visual Studio allows you to create templates for diagram items bound to data (including OrgChart elements).
    • OrgChart Enhancements
      • Serialization (diagram items can be copied/pasted, saved and loaded preserving bound data).
      • Undo/Redo support.
      • Templates created using DevExpress Template Designer for Visual Studio.
      • Automatic layout type selection (Tree, Tip-Over Tree, Sugiyama or Circular).
      • Automatic diagram updates (when the source collection is modified).
    • Data Binding Enhancements - The WPF Diagram control can now automatically generate graphs of any kind and complexity based on a collection of data objects. The new DataBindingBehavior object accepts two collections and creates diagram items with required connections. The new binding behavior supports templates (created in XAML or using the DevExpress Template Designer for Visual Studio), implements customization events, supports our built-in layout algorithms, etc.
    • Item Data Binding - DevExpress Diagram ships with data bindings that can be specified at the diagram item level. Data bindings support Criteria Operator expressions, serialization and deserialization.
    • New Diagram Layouts and Settings - New layouts include:
      • Circular.
      • Compact Tree.
      • Tip-Over Tree.
    • Item Protection - With this release, you can specify allowed actions for diagram shapes, connectors, containers and other diagram items.
    • Run the Diagram Designer from a Smart Tag.
    • Print Preview - DevExpress Diagram now offers Print Preview support.
    • New Image Item - With this release, you can display bitmap images on the Diagram's surface. Capabilities include:
      • Ability to load images from a file or stream.
      • Image serialization to XML as a file name or as raw data.
      • Three stretch modes (stretch, uniform, uniform to fill).
      • Image rotation, scaling and flipping.
      • Contextual Ribbon Tab with image settings.
    • Organizing Diagrams with Containers - DevExpress Diagram now supports use of item containers to help you keep information organized and easier to understand. This includes:
      • Customizable headers and paddings.
      • Built-in container shapes.
      • Ability to create custom container shapes.
      • Themes and styles.
      • A Ribbon gallery with available containers.
      • Contextual Ribbon tab with container settings.
    • Right-Angle Connector Route Customization - End-users can now customize Right-Angle connector routes by dragging individual line segments.
    • Miscellaneous Enhancements
      • Ability to hide the QuickShapes stencil from the Toolbox.
      • Proportional item resizing.
      • Ability to drag containers by any point (not just by its border).
      • Items partially covered by the selection rectangle can also be selected.
      • New Ribbon commands allow end-users to display the Toolbox and Properties Window.
      • New events allow you to specify which item properties should be serialized and/or displayed within the Properties Window.
      • Ability to easily create custom tools and replace the standard ones in the Ribbon.
  • Editors
    • New Toggle Switch Editor.
    • New Hyperlink Editor - The new Hyperlink editor displays its content as a hyperlink. The editor can function in both standalone and cell-based mode.
    • Token Editor Enhancements
      • Token styling via custom WPF styles.
      • Clipboard Support.
      • Improved MVVM support and API for in-place data editing.
  • MVVM & Scaffolding
    • New Module Injection Framework (BETA) - The new Module Injection Framework (MIF) makes it easier to develop, test, maintain, and deploy modular applications built with loosely coupled modules. The frameworks's key features include:
      • Automatic persistence of the application's logical state and layout.
      • Code separation into logical modules coupled with straightforward navigation.
      • Unit Testing.
    • Localization Support - Scaffolding can now generate localization resources for multiple languages. All generated views will use localization strings stored in common resources.
    • Entity Framework Core Support - Now offer Entity Framework Core Data Layer support.
    • Unit of Work Policy - Now a single UnitOfWork can be shared across multiple ViewModels. This makes it possible to change multiple entities in a single transaction.
    • View Customization Enhancements - With this release, all common view styles are stored in the Resources folder. This allows you to customize view settings in a single location and avoid code duplication.
  • PDF Viewer
    • Pager - With the v16.2 release, we’ve added a pager to the ribbon and toolbars. The pager displays the current page number and the total number of pages and allows your end-users to quickly navigate pages.
    • Page Thumbnails Panel - This release introduces the Page Thumbnails panel that shows page thumbnails of an active PDF document. The panel is located in the Navigation pane. Page thumbnails provide miniature previews of document pages. You can perform the following actions in the Page Thumbnails panel:
      • Navigate through the document by selecting the page thumbnails.
      • Enlarge or reduce thumbnails size.
      • Print pages that correspond to selected thumbnails.
    • Performance Enhancements - Text documents are now rendered up to 30% faster. Also optimized document printing. For instance, text documents can be printed to the XPS writer up to four times faster. In addition, the resulting XPS file is approximately 20 times smaller.
  • Pivot Grid Control
    • Olap Ragged Hierarchy Support - The WPF Pivot Grid Control now supports OLAP ragged hierarchies.
  • Spreadsheet Control
    • Two-Way Data Binding - With this release, the Spreadsheet Control provides a simple and consistent way to manipulate data. You can now bind a worksheet or specific cell range to a data source. A cell range can also be used as a data source for any DevExpress or third-party data-aware control (Data Grid, Chart, etc.). All data-related modifications affecting the worksheet are immediately propagated to bound controls and changes made within external controls are immediately reflected in the worksheet.
    • Print Titles - DevExpress Spreadsheet allows you to print titles for individual documents. If a worksheet occupies more than one page, you can repeat row or column headings on each printed page in order to help improve readability.
    • UI Enhancements - The new Insert Function and Function Arguments dialogs allow end-users to select the desired function from a list, insert it into a cell formula and specify function arguments. The New Formatting Rule dialog allows end-users to create a new conditional formatting rule and customize the appearance of cells that meet specific conditions.
    • XLSX/XLSM File Encryption - With this release, the Spreadsheet Control supports XLSX/XLSM file encryption. You can encrypt documents using standard or agile encryption.
  • Toolbar and Menu
    • Any Image Size Support - You can now add images of any size and optionally specify their proportions using the CustomGlyphSize property. If this property isn't specified, the glyph will be scaled automatically based on item content.
    • Hide Item Glyphs from Popup Menus - You can now hide bar item glyphs displayed in popup menus by disabling the bar manager's ShowGlyphsInPopupMenus option.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Unbound Column Export (Data Grids) - If a Data Grid (WinForms, ASP.NET or WPF) contains an unbound column whose values are calculated based on an expression, you can choose to export the column's calculated values or the column's expression. If a column's expression is exported, column values will be calculated by the worksheet.
    • Export to Native Excel Table - With this release, you can also export data from Data Grids into native Excel tables. This option offers numerous formatting options and makes data analysis and management much easier. A new BeforeExportTable event allows you to customize a table prior to its export to Excel.
3D Control allows you to visualize 3D data sets as Surface, 3D Bars, 3D Scatter Points or Bubbles.

DevExpress WPF

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