Actipro Editors for Universal Windows 2016.1 build 0306

Nuevo control de calculadora que proporciona una interfaz de usuario familiar para calcular interactivamente valores numéricos.
Enero 10, 2017
Nueva versión


  • Added the Calculator control that provides a familiar calculator interface to interactively calculate numeric values.
  • Added new edit box and picker controls for the Int16, Int64, Single, and TimeSpan types.
  • Added a PickerKind property to DoubleEditBox and Int32EditBox, which allows optional usage of a calculator in the popup picker.
  • Added the PartEditBoxBase.CommitTriggers property, which determines the scenarios (e.g Enter key press, etc.) in which a value commits.
  • Added the PartEditBoxBase.SpinWrapping property, which determines the wrapping behavior used when spinning past a minimum or maximum value in the active part.
  • Added the DoubleEditBox.IsNaNAllowed, IsNegativeInfinityAllowed, and IsPositiveInfinityAllowed properties, which allow entry of those related values.
  • Improved Int32EditBox to support hexadecimal formats.
  • Improved GuidEditBox to support multiple formats.
  • Improved string to value conversion logic.
  • Improved part parsing logic.
  • Added UI automation peers for numerous controls.
  • Updated part edit boxes to coerce out-of-range values back within range when committing via Enter, spinning, or focus loss.
  • Updated part edit boxes to focus their popup content when the popup is displayed.
  • Updated the default Int32 and Double part minimum and maximum values to follow the respective type's minimum and maximum allowed values.
  • Updated the templates for edit box and picker controls with a more modern appearance.
  • Updated the templates for picker controls to reduce whitespace.


  • Fixed a bug where EnumEditBox might not close its popup properly the first time an item was tapped.
New Calculator control.

Actipro Editors for UWP

Controles de editor avanzados para introducción de datos táctil, mediante ratón y mediante teclado.

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