PowerTCP Mail for .NET 4.3.4

La versión de mantenimiento más reciente incluye varias correcciones de errores.
Febrero 3, 2017
Nueva versión


  • An issue where spaces were incorrectly removed when only a portion of header text was Q-encoded was resolved.
  • An issue where attachments names were not parsed out correctly when the attachment part headers contained both a name and filename parameter has been resolved.
  • Some servers do not support the receipt of the EHLO command after authentication. EHLO will no longer be sent after authentication has occurred.
  • An issue where FETCH responses containing parentheses within quoted strings were not being parsed correctly has been resolved and the responses will now be correctly parsed.
  • An issue where IMAP Mailbox name encodings could be persisted between separate IMAP sessions has been resolved. Now all encodings revert to their default state when a new connection is attempted.
  • An issue where LIST responses were not correctly parsed if NIL was in the hierarchy separator place was resolved.
PowerTCP Mail for .NET

PowerTCP Mail for .NET

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