Actipro Editors for Universal Windows 2017.1 build 0310

Añade un nuevo control MaskedTextBox que se utiliza para restringir la entrada de usuario en función de una máscara de expresión regular especificada.
Marzo 21, 2017
Nueva versión


  • Added a new MaskedTextBox control that is used to restrict user input based on a specified regular expression mask. Support for input prompts and literal completion is included.
  • Added a new Calculator control that provides a familiar calculator interface to interactively calculate numeric values.
  • Added new BrushEditBox and BrushPicker controls that allow for input of a Brush value.
  • Added a new GradientStopSlider control that allows for adding, changing, and removing the various gradient stops within a GradientBrush, such as a LinearGradientBrush.
  • Added new Int16EditBox and Int16Picker controls that allow for input of an Int16 value.
  • Added new Int64EditBox and Int64Picker controls that allow for input of an Int64 value.
  • Added new SingleEditBox and SinglePicker controls that allow for input of a Single value.
  • Added a new Rating control that renders glyphs that can be used present an average rating or collect a user rating.
  • Added new TimeSpanEditBox and TimeSpanPicker controls that allow for input of a TimeSpan value.
  • Updated EnumEditBox, EnumPicker, and EnumListBox to all support hiding specific enum values via EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never).
  • Added the MonthCalendar.IsTodayButtonVisible and TodayButtonStyle properties that support the optional Today button.
  • Added the MonthCalendar.IsWeekNumberColumnVisible, CalendarWeekRule, WeekNumberItemContainerStyle, and WeekNumberItemTemplate properties that support optional week number display.
  • Added the MonthCalendar.IsTodayHighlighted property that highlights the current day with an outline.
  • Added the MonthCalendar.FirstDayOfWeek property that allows you to override the day of week displayed in the first column.
  • Added the MonthCalendar.MaxViewMode property that can limit zooming out.
  • Added the MonthCalendar.ViewResetMode property that allows for the view to reset when focus is lost.
  • Added the MonthCalendar.DisabledDaysOfWeek property that allows certain days of the week to be disabled.
  • Added the MonthCalendar.IsDateDisabledFunc property that allows custom code to determine if a day should be disabled.
  • Added the MonthCalendar.SelectionMode property that allows for choosing between single and various multiple date selection modes.
  • Added the MonthCalendar.SelectedDates property that is a collection of all the selected dates.
  • Added the MonthCalendar.MaxSelectionCount property that limits the number of dates that can be selected.
  • Added the MonthCalendar.IsDayOfWeekSelectionEnabled and IsWeekNumberSelectionEnabled properties that allow multi-date selection features within a month.
  • Added the MonthCalendar.IsClearButtonVisible and ClearButtonStyle properties that support the optional Clear button.
  • Changed the MonthCalendar.SelectedDateChanged event to a SelectionChanged event.
  • Updated MonthCalendar to support Ctrl+- and Ctrl+= keyboard shortcuts for zooming.
  • Improved MonthCalendar focus handling.


  • Fixed a bug where some enumeration values could show up in EnumListBox wrapped in an IReference.
MaskedTextBox control.

Actipro Editors for UWP

Controles de editor avanzados para introducción de datos táctil, mediante ratón y mediante teclado.

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