CLion 2017.1

Añade una vista de desmontaje y pruebas de unidad, con compatibilidad con el marco Catch.
Marzo 29, 2017
Nueva versión


  • C++14 - CLion 2017.1 delivers support for the following C++14 features:
    • Auto return type.
    • Generic lambdas.
    • Variable templates.
    • Generalized lambda captures.
  • C++17 - Supporting C++17 with nested namespaces.
  • Make auto intention - For the sake of code readability and accuracy, CLion now suggests to modernize your C++ code by converting variable type to auto.
  • General improvements
    • Hidden functions from the base class are no longer suggested in completion
    • Fixes for various false positives, for example in case of decltype(auto) in trailing return
    • Correct calculation for value category (that fixes many false 'expression is not assignable,' 'expression must be lvalue,' and 'expression must be rvalue' warnings)
  • Precompiled headers - CLion now locates the precompiled headers and headers included via -include option, in order to correctly resolve symbols from such files and correctly highlight the code, navigate through it, perform code refactorings, etc.
  • Disassembly view for debugger - While debugging with GDB, you can now step into disassembly code when the sources are not available. Read the assembly, which is properly highlighted in the editor, and step through it to investigate the problem.
  • Catch - Catch is a cross-platform unit testing framework for C++ known for its easy starting process and convenient and flexible test cases. Now you can use Catch with CLion and benefit from completion and the built-in test runner.
  • Microsoft Visual C++ compiler - Experimental support for the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler is here. Check it out to avoid difficulties with MinGW/MinGW-w64 or Cygwin configuration, and especially if you use Microsoft Visual C++ as a compiler for your cross-platform C++ project.
  • Project model improvements
    • For existing CMake projects, the project name in CLion is taken from CMake’s PROJECT_NAME on first opening.
    • Escaped symbols in CMake files are now handled correctly.
    • Obsolete not-modified run configurations, and run configurations for deleted targets, are now removed automatically.
  • Find in Path - Run a text search across the whole project or any selected scope with Find in Path, now in a compact and more convenient popup window with immediate preview.
  • Log Viewer - Refine your search through the Git and Mercurial logs in the Log Viewer with these new options:
    • Ability to use regular expressions
    • Ability to match / ignore case
    • Configure which information to display in the log viewer to make it more compact or more detailed (for example, show / hide tag names).
  • Branches popup - The Branches popup has been redesigned and can now mark important branches as Favorites. This gives you the ability to filter the branches and show only favorites in the corresponding popup.
  • Swift - Several important enhancements were added to the Swift plugin for CLion:
    • Create new Swift projects with ease using the new project template
    • Check possible issues in your code in Swift with SourceKit inspections and intentions available in the plugin
    • When using a type which doesn't exist yet, create it from usage via Alt+Enter
  • Other improvements
    • Zero latency typing has proved to remove many typing lags in IntelliJ-based IDEs and is now enabled by default.
    • CMake 3.7 was bundled into CLion.
    • Fixes for Dvorak layout in macOS, as well as Korean, Chinese and Japanese keyboard layouts on macOS are included.
    • Settings Repository plugin is finally bundled into CLion.
    • Go plugin was updated and now correlates with Gogland functionality.


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