Actipro Editors for Universal Windows 2017.2

El nuevo control AutoCompleteBox permite una introducción de texto más rápida con sugerencias.
Agosto 24, 2017
Nueva versión


  • Added the AutoCompleteBox control that allows text entry and provides suggestions for auto-completion. This kind of control is ideal for use in search query and quick launch kinds of scenarios.
  • Added a new QuickStart to showcase the AutoCompleteBox control.
  • Added the PartEditBoxBase.TextAlignment property to control the alignment of the text area (i.e. right-align numeric edit boxes).
  • Updated date selection in a DateEditBox's popup calendar to close the popup.
  • Updated EnumEditBox used in PropertyGrid to automatically pass the enumeration type in, which is useful when multiple data objects of the same type are being edited.
  • Added the CanReuseBrush property to BrushEditBox, BrushPicker, and GradientStopSlider, which can be set to false to create a new brush instance on any update. This is needed when binding to values using value converters.


  • Fixed a bug where clicking the Today button on a MonthCalendar with CanRetainTime set would clear the time.
  • Worked around a Visual Studio bug that prevented certain controls from appearing in the designer successfully
Actipro Editors for Universal Windows

Actipro Editors for UWP

Controles de editor avanzados para introducción de datos táctil, mediante ratón y mediante teclado.

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