DevExtreme 17.1.6

Versión de mantenimiento que incluye varias correcciones de errores.
Septiembre 7, 2017
Nueva versión


  • Data Grid
    • Band columns of the third level are added in an incorrect order.
    • A loading panel is not displayed during long CRUD operations.
    • An error border is not displayed for a cell with editCellTemplate when navigation was performed on a mouse click in batch editing mode.
    • Column hiding works incorrectly if columnAutoWidth is false and some columns have fixed width.
    • Custom Header Filter item selection is not cleared, which leads to desyncronization of the filter state.
    • Focus is moved to the "expand" button in the master record instead of moving to the next row's editor of the editable cell.
    • Overwrites a new row in Batch Editing mode if one of the newly added rows was removed.
    • The header's "Select All" checkbox becomes frozen after being clicked several times when the deferred selection mode is used.
    • The onCellClick handler is not executed when the 'Select All' checkbox is clicked.
    • There is no option to implement custom sorting when data items contain culture-specific characters.
    • Unnecessary space appears after editing is canceled if an adaptive row has long content.
    • dxDataGrid displays duplicate rows when virtual scrolling is used.
    • dxDataGrid does not recalculate summaries on editing when row selection is enabled.
    • dxDataGrid hides updated rows when virtual scrolling is enabled under certain conditions.
    • dxDataGrid shows the loading indicator when no data is loading and the state storing option is enabled.
    • dxDataGrid\dxTreeList - The oldData parameter is undefined if validationRules and showEditorAlways are enabled.
    • Sorting by the lookup column's displayExpr applied using the calculateSortValue function does not work for the first time.
    • The onSelectionChanged handler provides wrong selection results when the "Select All" checkbox is unchecked and a filter is applied.
    • The pager switches back to the first page when navigating to the next page if virtual scrolling is used.
  • Data Visualization
    • Hiding a scrollbar hides x-axis labels.
    • dxChart does not center all rotated point labels under certain conditions.
    • dxChart: html property is missing from the customizeTooltip return value in TypeScript definitions.
    • dxPivotGrid - There is no value axis in the integrated Chart when only one series is generated.
    • The "getFullYear is not a function" error occurs if the chart data source is set at runtime.
    • The DevExpress.viz.exportFromMarkup method does not export all information from the footer.
    • Treemap tile labels disappear in certain situations.
  • DevExtreme | DevExtreme (ASP.NET MVC)
    • External templates specified as "JS" don't work.
  • DevExtreme Core
    • Correct the dxRadioGroup Overview demo since it uses a protected property.
    • dxChart throws the 'Expected length, "NaN"' error after zooming and scrolling.
    • dxDataGrid - Search Panel with Row Template displays a part of the angular expression.
    • dxDataGrid - 'Unspecified network error' on navigation to another page while the data source is loading.
    • dxSelectBox - It's impossible to reset a value for the second time if acceptCustomValue and fieldTemplate are enabled.
    • It is impossible to get the itemIndex parameter if an item template is specified using the MVVM approach.
    • It is impossible to simultaneously change several options of a widget in an Angular app at runtime.
  • DevExtreme Demos
    • Make the Angular Cell Editing and Editing API demo compile locally.
  • Pivot Grid
    • An incorrect grand total value is displayed when state storing is enabled and the library is used.
    • The bottom border line is missing when there are a few lines.
    • dxPivotGrid duplicates total cells in Chrome 60.
    • dxPivotGrid throws an error on exporting an empty grid.
  • Scheduler
    • A newly created appointment can be duplicated.
    • Several views are rendered incorrectly when the groups option is toggled at runtime.
    • The "Cannot read property 'index' of undefined" error occurs after navigating between months if a new appointment was created with FREQ=DAILY.
    • The allowUpdating option loses its effect after opening the Appointment Editing Form.
    • Widget drawing and view switching functionalities are blocked once the occurrence number of a recurring appointment is modified.
    • dxScheduler doesn't allow moving appointments from one group to another if the fieldExpr option refers to a nested property.
    • The "Save" button is always disabled if validation was not passed after the fix from T542841.
    • The number of rendered days in a month can't be more than the number of days in the initial month when the "timeline month" display mode is enabled.
  • Tree List
    • dxTreeList does not expand nodes after sorting when using Web API service.
  • UI Widgets
    • A custom date format doesn't display milliseconds if forceIsoDateParsing is true and dates are strings.
    • An editor can be focused using keyboard navigation when the focusStateEnabled option is disabled.
    • Can't select a dxSelectBox item using the Return button on iOS when searching is enabled.
    • Changing a dxTextBox mask at runtime generates additional hidden input elements.
    • dxDateBox displays a validation message when the min/max and value options are changed simultaneously in an Angular app.
    • dxDateBox - The date part is changed on changing the time part.
    • dxForm - The getEditor method returns Object in dx.all.d.ts.
    • dxForm is not enabled when the disabled option is set to false at runtime.
    • dxLookup - The Cancel button and the selected item icon are incorrectly rendered when rtlEnabled is set to true.
    • dxLookup does not close its drop-down list when an editor is clicked.
    • dxMenu - The onSubmenuShowing event is not raised when the submenu of the second level is opened.
    • dxSelectBox throws an exception when its value is set to null in an Angular application.
    • dxTagBox - Required validation doesn't work.
    • dxTagBox resets typed text when an item is selected by clicking on its text if the showSelectionControls option is set to true.
    • dxTileView/dxScrollView - The swipe direction is incorrect if rtlEnabled is true.
    • dxTreeView - First-level parent nodes don't change their state after selecting a node with two or more parents.
    • dxTreeView - The 'Cannot read property 'match' of undefined' exception is raised when the data source has the defined 'nodeType' property.
    • dxTreeView throws an error on calling the selectItem(null) function.
    • ScrollView MVC Control doesn't render content when being nested inside another container.
    • The CheckBox MVC Control does not allow submitting a value if it equals false even if the required attribute is not assigned to the model property.
    • The DropDownBox drop-down opens at the bottom of the editor if the editor is placed at the bottom of a page.
    • The dxSelectBox value is always cleared when refreshing the dataSource option if fieldTemplate is used.

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