Help & Manual Professional 7.3.2

Añade una nueva función para recuperar automáticamente los cambios no guardados después de un bloqueo.
Septiembre 8, 2017
Nueva versión


  • Automatic recovery. New feature to automatically recover unsaved changes after a crash or a power failure.
  • SVG images in HTML Help (.chm): the HTML export options dialog has a new option to optionally convert SVG images to PNG.
  • HTML Help (.chm) and YouTube videos: the standard skins have been modified to avoid Javascript errors with YouTube and Vimeo web videos in CHM files.
  • Webhelp standard skins have been updated.
  • TidyXML option is now enabled for repositories.
  • PDF: anchor hotspots have been moved a little bit higher along the y position to improve deep jumps to topic anchors.
  • Improved Insert Link dialog: the drop-down width for the anchor combobox now has a dynamic width to accommodate even very long anchors.
  • Improved list dialog.
Help & Manual Professional

Help & Manual Professional

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