Aspose.Cells for Java V17.10

Lea fácilmente campos de ID de hojas de Excel.
Octubre 20, 2017
Nueva versión


  • Cancel long-running formula calculations.
  • Easily read Microsoft Excel Sheet ID fields.


  • Position of long-hyphens is not same as Microsoft Excel.
  • Arrow points are not clear in the output PDF.
  • Text gets truncated in the output HTML.
  • Border color does not match Microsoft Excel in HTML.
  • Value axis labels are missing when converting Excel to PDF.
  • Text overlap Issue after rendering worksheet to image.
  • Cancellation and out of memory issue because of large data range of chart.
  • Output chart is not like original chart in HTML.
  • The chart area, labels, legends, etc. is rendered incorrectly in PDF and PNG.
  • Chart's legend sequence has changed while rendering spreadsheet to PDF.
  • Colors and style of the chart are lost.
Aspose.Cells for Java

Aspose.Cells for Java

Cree y administre hojas de cálculo de Excel sin necesidad de Microsoft Excel.

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