SQL Toolbelt Essentials - versión de enero de 2018

Incluye actualizaciones a SQL Compare, SQL Data Compare y SQL Prompt.
Febrero 1, 2018
Nueva versión


SQL Toolbelt Essentials includes the following updates:

SQL Compare v13.1.10

  • Handles filegroups defined on a fulltext index.
  • Handles user defined and customized history tables for temporal tables, and will store all history tables in scripts folders.
  • Integrates the Redgate bulk uninstaller.
  • SQL Compare Command Line now runs in 64-bit mode by default.

SQL Data Compare Pro v13.1.10

  • Integrated the Redgate bulk uninstaller
  • Improved SQL Graph support as part of continuing SQL Server 2017 work.
  • SQL Data Compare Command Line now runs in 64-bit mode by default

SQL Prompt Pro v9.0.8

  • Code analysis now supports larger scripts without freezing the SSMS/VS UI.
    • Limitation: Only the first 50,000 issues of code analysis are shown.
SQL Toolbelt Essentials

SQL Toolbelt Essentials

Herramientas galardonadas para comparación de base de datos, productividad, control de código fuente y solución de problemas.

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