ExpressQuantumPack 17.2.7

Versión de mantenimiento que incluye varias correcciones de errores.
Abril 27, 2018
Nueva versión


ExpressEditors Library

  • Changing focused TcxRadioGroupItem from TcxCheckBoxProperties-OnChange-Event doesn't selects the new item.
  • NullString is no longer displayed in a tcxcombobox after form is moved to a monitor with a different DPI setting.
  • TdxCameraControl uses CPU resources for still frame repainting after the State property is set to cssPause.

ExpressLayout Control

  • Layout Control hiding items.
  • On using the Far East locale, the layout item's caption is truncated starting from an accelerator character enclosed in parenthesis.

ExpressPrinting System

  • TcxSchedulerReportLink - Modern Style - Weeks View reports are built without dates in all day cells.
  • TdxRichEditControlReportLink - Font sizes in the resulting document are calculated incorrectly if the system DPI exceeds 96.
  • Trim in Preview than CardGridView is preview.

ExpressQuantumGrid Suite

  • Conditional Formatting - Field names in rule formula expressions automatically change when the View's layout and settings are restored by calling a RestoreFrom~ method in case if the initial field order has changed.
  • Conditional Formatting - The "Regular expression errors: Line1, Char34: The block should not be empty" error occurs when creating the first rule using the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog.
  • Conditional Formatting - The View's ApplyBestFit procedure incorrectly calculates the widths of columns to which an "Icon Set" conditional formatting rule is applied.
  • Export - ExportGridDataTo~ procedures incorrectly positioned images in the resulting document if source cells with images have an in-place cxImageComboBox editor whose ShowDescriptions property is False.
  • Master-Detail - Hiding detail rows by scrolling or collapsing does not release associated GDI handles.
  • StoreTo~/RestoreFrom~ methods of an unassigned grid View stored in a TcxGridViewRepository component incorrectly persist View settings if this component resides on a form whose DPI exceeds 96.
  • Table and Banded Table Views - Finding a record by using the Incremental Search functionality cancels the current selection if the View's OptionsSelection.MultiSelectMode property is set to msmPersistent.


  • Any cell navigation keystroke that includes the Home key always considers A1 as a worksheet's origin instead of the first cell in the scrollable worksheet area.
  • Conditional formatting rules applicable only to cells with numeric values do not affect cells containing Date/Time values.
  • The DAYS, DAYS360, NETWORKDAYS, NETWORKDAYS.INTL, WORKDAY, WORKDAY.INTL and YEARFRAC functions always use the 1900 Date System ignoring the control's settings.
  • The worksheet's OptionsPrint.Page.FitToWidth and OptionsPrint.Page.FitToHeight properties are initialized to incorrect values on loading an XLSX file.


Agregue una amplia funcionalidad de cuadrícula, impresión, diseño y máscaras a sus aplicaciones Delphi y C++Builder con este conjunto de componentes.

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