Total Access Detective 2016 (16.01.0024)

Se han mejorado las comparaciones de cadenas SQL para consultas guardadas.
Mayo 18, 2018
Nueva versión


  • Improved SQL string comparisons for saved queries and properties including RecordSource and RowSource:
    • Trailing blank spaces and extra blank lines are removed before comparing.
    • This avoids flagging SQL string differences that do not affect functionality.
  • Table macro comparison now supports table names with an apostrophe (') in them.


  • Query comparison - Under Data Options, if the query option is set to First Field Unique, it was always treating them sequentially and stopped on the first difference. This is fixed and works correctly.
  • Text comparison - If the VBA option is not selected, the results do not show the the Procedure tabs.
  • Database comparison results - The database name goes across the entire top of the form rather than being truncated.
Total Access Detective

Total Access Detective

Compare bases de datos y resalte los cambios.

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