Publicación de Oxygen Content Fusion

Colaboración web para flujos de trabajo de revisión de documentación XML.
Junio 18, 2018
Nuevo producto


  • Flexibility - Since every team has their own specific methods of collaborating, Oxygen Content Fusion was designed to be very flexible so that it can be used and integrated into any type of collaborative documentation review workflow.
  • Intuitive Interface - It is powered by Oxygen XML Web Author's technology to take advantage of its user-friendly XML authoring features and the Oxygen Content Fusion interface is very simple and intuitive to accommodate every type of user.
  • Seamless - The simple process is incremental and provides a seamless integration between Oxygen XML Editor/Author and the Content Fusion online visual editor.

The Content Author

  • Create review task in Oxygen XML Editor/Author - The Content Author has access to a specialized view in Oxygen XML Editor/Author where they can easily create tasks with attached documents that are automatically uploaded to the Oxygen Content Fusion server.
  • Share a link to the task with Reviewers - The Content Author simply clicks on a link to open the task details in a browser where they can copy a link to share with the Reviewers they want to look at the documents.
  • Merge changes back into Oxygen XML Editor/Author - The Content Author is notified when the Reviewers have finished with their process, then they use a convenient built-in tool to merge the changes back into their project using Oxygen XML Editor/Author.

The Reviewers

  • Review files, add comments, make changes in an online visual editor - The Reviewers simply follow a link to access the uploaded files in any browser where they can proofread, add comments, and make corrections with change tracking enabled.
  • Communicate with Content Author directly in the browser - During the review process, Reviewers can communicate with the Content Author and other Reviewers by adding messages directly in the Oxygen Content Fusion interface.
  • Click a button to finalize the review process - After the Reviewers are done with their process, they simply click the Finalize Review button to let the Content Author know they are done reviewing all of the documents.
Oxygen Content Fusion

Oxygen Content Fusion

Colaboración web para flujos de trabajo de revisión de documentación XML.

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